photo above is fake…I mean there is not one thing in that photo that is real and true and it is produced by the “Palestinian Lie Factory Machine”

The above picture created and disseminated by this crowd of wanking falsifiers called “Palestinians” more precisely known as Fatah or Hamas and all these hangers on such as wsws.org

You will find all of this stuff on the websites of Antisemites in Europe and some in America. Who are these Antisemites? Well they are Antisemites of the new type. Israel is the wandering Jew of the Antisemites of yore.

This is what we Trotskyists of 4international do. We explain this so that when an unsuspecting ordinary person sees these photos they will say “hey is this really what it seems to be?”

Like when you meet a conman…it is the first few seconds that count!

So this photo above how did they do it? Well it is crude as can be and once you see it you will never fall for it again.

But I won’t explain it here in detail because it is already done for me and you by a brilliant website and the url is:


This is a quote:

Despite not receiving a source nor proof it was authentic, he went ahead and posted it anyway. Because spreading the truth is not his agenda. Damaging Israel is.

Help counter the lies by sharing this post.

The person who did this all explained by Israelicool is called Richard Silverstein. As stated he knew the photo was a fake. But went ahead and published for reasons stated above. But there are thousands of “Silversteins” so be ready.

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