(140 million years later only seen in Zoos?)

(Article below is from Newsweek. Issue is also being covered on BBC News) 

Sturgeon’s general warning: a long-lived, ancient Chinese fish is “nearly extinct,” the BBC reported.

The Chinese sturgeon, which hasn’t changed much over the last 140 million years, hasn’t reproduced in the last year, according to news reports.

“It is the first time that we found no natural reproduction of the endangered sturgeons since records began 32 years ago when [the Gezhouba] dam was built,” Wei Qiwei, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, told Xinhua, the state press agency.  


A survey from this past winter turned up no sturgeon eggs in the Yangtze River, the main water body the species inhabits. And a month-long search for young fish swimming down the river that began in August also came up empty, according to Xinhua. Like salmon, Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis) spend much of their time in the ocean but return to rivers to reproduce.

Populations of Chinese sturgeon are primarily threatened by habitat loss, overfishing and reduced water quality, driven by dam construction. Dams cut off areas the sturgeon previously used to spawn, and pollution has hurt their ability to reproduce, scientists said.

Like other sturgeons, this Chinese species is long-lived and reproduces infrequently, so it is difficult to build up populations of the animal once they are depleted. From 1973 to 2010, the animals’ numbers dwindled by 98 percent, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, which considers the fish critically endangered. They can grow up to 13 feet in length or more. 

Chinese sturgeon have been “nicknamed aquatic pandas,” according to Xinhua, and are “listed as a wild creature under… national top protection.” But as there are no existing plans to tear down newly-built dams, it seems unlikely that the species will turn around unless some drastic action is taken.

Another denizen of the Yangtze River, the baiji or Chinese river dolphin, was declared “functionally extinct” by scientists in 2006, and none of the animals have been seen since. 

BRITAIN AND SCOTLAND DESCEND INTO THE PITS OF HELL (ANTISEMITIC HELL) – As the world awaits a decision on Scottish independence in a referendum this week, Scottish National Party leader Alex Salmond gave an interview in which he compared the terrorism of the Islamic State with the actions of the state of Israel.


Salmond was speaking to the BBC about the beheading of British aid worker David Haines by the Islamic State when he stated that “the Muslim community of Scotland isn’t responsible in any shape or form for atrocities or extremism in Iraq or elsewhere.”


“I mean, just like a few weeks ago, the Jewish community of Scotland wasn’t responsible for the policies of the State of Israel,” he said.


That is the reality of Scottish Nationalism today.

Yes we do as Trotskyists support the Independence of Scotland from Britain but not this Antisemitic Hell Hole created by Salmond


We are in a new situation in the world.


It was not an accident that George Bush Junior allied himself totally with the centre of the Jihad (Iran) when he saw it as his mission to attack and destroy the great enemy of the Jihad (Iran) who was Saddam Hussein.



Nobody has ever explained was why Bush was so besotted with removing Saddam. Of course the cover is that he wished for parliamentary democracy everywhere. But that is just a cover. He was inexperienced like Obama, but not entirely stupid. He must have known of the enmity between the Baathists and the Mullahs. It is a mystery.


It was this that removed the floodgates to the Islamic Jihad and the awful sufferings of minorities (including women) at the hands of Islam


Britain is now at the point of breaking up whether Salmond wins today or not.



But … Britain has been at the centre of the advancement of the Jihad. It has joined Jihadists in destroying Yugoslavia and waged wars on Mubarak, Gadhafi, Ben Ali, Gaghbo (who is also in the Hague with many Serbs), Assad.


Britain is also up to its old warfare against Russia. One thing is certain it is no longer united. The Windsors especially this latest monarch did not even have the guts to fight for her “United Kingdom”. What a spineless creature!


In all of these wars the Scottish nationalists have been behind the British Governments on the side of the Jihad. This is the new factor that needs to be included.


Salmond (above)deliberately placed ISIS in the same category as Israel in his speech to a group called “The Islamic League”. There is a horrible you tube video of this horrific little toady speaking to these soft Jihadists in Scotland.


In this Salmond is not one bit different to any of the European leaders and to the US Establishment as a whole also, with a few Congress representatives exceptions


So we have the old story and more of the same. Salmond and his Scottish nationalists promise to crack down on “Antisemitism” but he is clearly in word (above) and practice supporting Hamas and Fatah as the “Resistance”


Salmond and the Scottish nationalists are out of this same Israel hating milieu as George Galloway.


Thus if you are a Jew living in Scotland today you are not facing a history of Scots assisting Jews, but a present where Israel is continually attacked, placing Jews in Scotland in more and more danger of physical attack (Pogrom)


And the future under capitalism is Jihad and more Jihad, and where a truncated England becomes Sharia,  a miserable Scotland becomes Sharia, and Ireland becomes Sharia.


That is not the future a Trotskyist would fight for

(Also on

(Also on

(It will also be entered on Twitter and on a new You Tube Channel…details later)


This is a great analysis of the situation facing Israel and Jews by Moise Feiglin but there is a serious weakness in it which I from a Trotskyist and Marxist position will try to explain.

Let me first extract one paragraph (you can find it below also in the body of Feiglin’s text). Actually it could be any one of a number but I seek brevity:

“The increased security budget is not meant to preserve our safety. The budget – beside the widespread corruption that it funds (government-funded pensions and the like) – is meant to preserve… the Oslo mentality.”

Great material here by Feiglin. He is right.

What he points to in essence is that Israel (even more precisely Israeli leadership) has betrayed the Zionist principles of national liberation which led up to the founding of the state in 1948.

Where Feiglin goes wrong from this onwards is that the above paragraph requires a revolution inside Israel in order to surmount this problem (to Feiglin’s credit precisely identified) and move forward

Who will make the revolution? The masses of the Jewish people. And non-Jews who are lovers of Judaism and Israel also I have to include because this is not racist but political.

Is there any other requirement? Yes there is indeed one and only one.


Anything else to say about that?

Yes leadership is stressful. Individuals, groups and parties are known to fold (cave in, betray principles)

So it must be a party of a special type. If it is based on a revolutionary theory that is a good start. Of the cadres who make up the leadership have been tempered by experience that is another good thing.

Can Feiglin himself build such a party?

What a question!

A dualist answer I am afraid…Feiglin can help in the sense that the article above helps but more precisely…

I do not think so. Feiglin is too much of a dogmatist. Dogma is not discipline (Stalin had both dogma galore and discipline but no use here) and is opposed to theory (Theory is dead but green is the everlasting tree of life!)

So in essence Feiglin does point to the way forward but in my opinion cannot actually tread that road.

Israel’s Security Budget Undermines Our Security

By Moshe Feiglin, Jewish Press

Feiglin1Israel’s security apparatus has requested an additional 11 billion shekels in wake of Operation Protective Edge. In my opinion, Protective Edge proved that the security budget actually undermines our security.

Let me explain.

What was the Hamas’s budget during this war? A fraction of Israel’s. Maybe one percent. So, if everything depended on money, how is it that such a huge monetary gap in our favor did not lead to a resounding Israeli victory – quick, simple, and without fatalities?

Israeli soldiers seen at a deployment area near the border with the Gaza Strip in August. Israel could not win a war like the one this past summer with Hamas, according to the author, because its policy makers are “captive to the concept of the two state solution.”Israeli soldiers seen at a deployment area near the border with the Gaza Strip in August. Israel could not win a war like the one this past summer with Hamas, according to the author, because its policy makers are “captive to the concept of the two state solution.”

The reason we did not win in Gaza has nothing to do with money. We did not win because we are still captive to the concept of the two state solution. Since the Oslo Accords, this concept has spawned an entire “peace industry” – careers in politics, economics, academia, media, and justice, international funds, and a high-cultural life. Only politically-correct and one-dimensional thinking is allowed. In short, what we have is a true dictatorship.

Thinking out of the box built by the Oslo and two-state architects has become a death trap for anyone wishing to advance in Israel’s public service. It is not so pleasant to talk about, but this mental dictatorship has completely conquered Israel’s military leadership. An aspiring officer cannot progress past a certain rank if he does not toe the line. The result is that when it is necessary to scare the cabinet away from victory in Gaza, the Chief of Staff presents a slideshow demonstrating that conquering Gaza would take five years.

Now back to the military budget. In essence Israel’s military has forgotten what the word “victory” means. And yet, its “job” is to provide security. So how does its job? By building fences, anti-missile systems, warning bombs for enemy civilians, anti-tunnel systems, etc. In short, it exchanges ideology for technology.

The increased security budget is not meant to preserve our safety. The budget – beside the widespread corruption that it funds (government-funded pensions and the like) – is meant to preserve… the Oslo mentality.

The problem is that an erroneous idea is like a balloon. You can pour more and more money into it (Oslo has cost us close to one trillion shekels to date), but, ultimately, like the Maginot Line, it will collapse – leaving us without security and without money.

Thus, today’s security budget undermines our security. The more money we pour into it, the more the defense apparatus will be able to evade its responsibility to defend us and not the Oslo mentality. Our defense problem is conceptual – not monetary.

About the Author: Moshe Feiglin is the Deputy Speaker of the Knesset and a member of Israel’s Security and Defense Committee. He heads the Manhigut Yehudit (“Jewish Leadership”) faction of Israel’s governing Likud party. He is the founder of Manhigut Yehudit and Zo Artzeinu and the author of two books: “Where There Are No Men” and “War of Dreams.” Feiglin served in the IDF as an officer in Combat Engineering and is a veteran of the Lebanon War. He lives in Ginot Shomron with his family.


Sinead O’Connor: U mention islam.. a religion horribly misrepresented by terrorists… which is like the IRA saying they represented Irish people.. Islam is a BEAUTIFUL religion.. wud make u cry its so beautiful… and gentle.

As in this so beautiful according to Sinead O’Connor

Sinead O’Connor is not alone in Ireland in having spouted continually these lies about Islam being a religión of peace (it is not a religión and it is not peace) and it is past time that Young people and especially Young women start to call these lies


America tuned in to hear how Obama planned to defeat the Islamic army conquering whole swaths of the Middle East. Instead Obama took to the prime time airwaves to proselytize for Islam.

Obama in his speech to America performed a scrubbing and cleaning up job for Islam

Obama is the true Mohammedan. He claimed:

Now let’s make two things clear: ISIL is not Islamic. No religion condones the killing of innocents, and the vast majority of ISIL’s victims have been Muslim.

Thus today on the anniversary of 9-11 there is still this ideology in the world that tries to paint Islam as being a religión of peace.

ISIl according tot he present President of the US so many years and so many experiences after that fateful claim by Bush is nothing to do with Islam

This is the key concept that we on 4international want to concéntrate on. Of course ISIL has EVERYTHING  to do with Islam

As the main scholars of Islm today are pointing out continually every beheading, every burying of humans alive, every single barbarity, is being inspired by the Korana nd the Hadiths

They quote continually

Last night as I thought on the anniversary of 9-11 I wrote this, some of it takes up the issues of leadership:

Another year rolls by and another anniversary of the Muslim attack on the Twin Towers in New York


The reason that the left did not oppose this atrocity is because of the influence of Stalinism and revisionism which itself did not centre on 9-11 but happened a long time before. The left had betrayed the method and principles of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Trotsky.


When Leon Trotsky was murdered by the Stalinist assassin Ramon Mercader, recruited out of the Spanish Civil War bloodbath, it was not only Trotsky but a whole cadre leadership which had been wiped out by the Stalinists and the Fascists, with the ID OFof the capitalist imperialist countries like Britain and US


Thus Trotskyism was left without leadership. There was thus no continuity. The person who became known as Tony Cliff was never a Trotskyist, nor was Isaac Deutscher the biographer of Trotsky.


There was a vacuum in 1945. Into that vacuum were sucked in a new layer of leadership into left wing political life.


A big turning point which had great influence was the defeat by the Jews of Israel not only over the armies of the Arabs but by those armies now supported totally by the Stalinists of Moscow in 1967. This was the qualitative year.


The important book Phantom Nation had spelled out in detail how the phenomenon known as the “Palestinians” came into being in 1967, not before. It gained this huge traction in 1967 because from then on it was sold as a commodity


Who did the selling?


  1. The Stalinists as I mentioned above
  2. The Arabs
  3. The Arabs of the area of Palestine who had a history centred on Hajj Amin el Husseini whose Jew Hatred was contiguous to that of the Nazis
  4. The British
  5. The US Establishment who remember had had a history of eugenics and racist Antisemitism

All of that is clear. But there is one other force often overlooked and that is the Jewish leadership of Israel


What did they do well in fact they both did nothing and did a lot.


This is a fact. The leadership of Israel while fighting in a patriotic and brave manner in 1948 was a middle class and a petty bourgeois leadership


This leadership did one thing which was fatal. It did not fight this new concept of “Palestine” but adapted to it. They adapted to the nascent Antisemitism


Before the Palestinians were the Jews. The most patriotic Jews saw themselves as Jewish Palestinians


The Arabs did not like the term. They continually called themselves “Arabs” and sometimes “Arabs of Southern Syria”.


The middle class Jewish leaders drowned themselves in a mythology divorced from the reality of the present. They could have contested the Arabs ove the “Palestine” name. A lot was at stake. It was really their first and massive betrayal.


These were not Marxists or Trotskyists. They were Jihadists on the left.


When 9-11 happened of course they could not attack Muslims or Islam


The first expression of this was the conspiracy industry. The Left Jihadist Fascists resurrected conspiracy in order to cement their alliance with Islam Fascism


The point is not whether US Imperialism were not in bed with the Jihadists. They were in one way or another. For example their multiculturalism was allowing the Jihadists to flourish in Bosnia, Berlin or London


But the Jihadist and anti-Marxist left had become a vehicle for the Jihad.


That was why this massive conspiracy industry suddenly sprang up. They were not seeking truth so much as providing a cover for Islam and so that has remained to this day.


And still centres on the “Palestinian” basura.



Irish hatred for Israel betrays the Irish republican struggle

The Trotskyist movement in Ireland as represented by us on this site must be expanded rapidly in order to fight against the deep Antisemitism that is running through the Jihadist and Stalinist/Revisionist movements and indeed through the whole of capitalist society worldwide. But we refer here mainly to Ireland.

We are independent from all other political movements including Jewish movements but we do fight in soldiarity with the latter.

The purpose of this article is to point out two things

1. the great hubbub about the state of Israel taking under its wing about a square mile or a Little less of land

2. the initial promise by the League of Nations to the Jews in 1922 which was far bigger than present day Israel

The leading purveyor of Antisemitism is THE MEDIA and this Antisemitism was clearly on show and proved when it published the HAMAS figures for dead and injured during the recent Gaza War.

This was a deeply Antisemitic action to take  and will never be forgiven by us Trotskyists in Ireland who do two things: we defend Jews against Antisemitism and we always stand for truthful discourse

So this is what these scumbags on an Irish website have written on this land issue:

“ISRAEL HAS CLAIMED nearly 1,000 acres of Palestinian land in the West Bank, in what is understood to be the biggest such seizure in decades.

Local authorities in the Gush Etzion area, south of Bethlehem, said the decision to establish new settlements there was a response to the killing of three Jewish teenagers there in June.

Their kidnapping and deaths sparked 50 days of violence between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza strip, which killed 2,138 Palestinians, and 68 Israelis, before an indefinite ceasefire last week.

A US State Department official has condemned the land seizure, telling Reuters it was “counterproductive to Israel’s stated goal of a negotiated two-state solution with the Palestinians.”

“We urge the government of Israel to reverse the decision,” the official added.

Peace Now, a group which opposed Israeli settlements, said authorities planned to seize 990 acres near the existing settlement of Gevaot, west of Bethlehem.”


All of these Arab states in the map above have been gained by the Arab people. They started with a couple of states and they now have 22 very rich states. ALL SINCE 1922
The growth of this Antisemitism is a product of maany things but in the world in general it is partly oil. The world of capitalism has been sucking up to rich oil essentially.
The Catholic Church in Ireland has always been basically secular since the times of Paul Cullen. With the decline of the Catholic Church in Ireland its place in rural Ireland has been taken over by the also secular Sinn Fein of today. Not such a big leap considering they are both essentially secular (the same type of secularism meaning separation of state and religión)
This is where the Antisemitism is coming from. It comes from Sinn Fein, this replacement of Catholic Church power. That replacement of Catholic Church by Sinn Fein today is complete



“The Mandate system was instituted by the League of Nations in the early 20th century to administer non-self-governing territories. The mandatory power, appointed by an international body, was to consider the mandated territory a temporary trust and to see to the well-being and advancement of its population.

In July 1922, the League of Nations entrusted Great Britain with the Mandate for Palestine. Recognizing “the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine,” Great Britain was called upon to facilitate the establishment of a Jewish national home in Palestine-Eretz Israel (Land of Israel). Shortly afterwards, in September 1922, the League of Nations and Great Britain decided that the provisions for setting up a Jewish national home would not apply to the area east of the Jordan River, which constituted three-fourths of the territory included in the Mandate and which eventually became the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

The British Mandate authorities granted the Jewish and Arab communities the right to run their internal affairs; thus the yishuv established the Elected Assembly and the National Council. The economy expanded, a Hebrew education network was organized and cultural life flourished.

The Mandatory government did not succeed in maintaining the letter and spirit of the Mandate. Under Arab pressure, it withdrew from its commitment, especially with respect to immigration and land acquisition. The White Papers of 1930 and 1939 restricted immigration and acquisition of land by Jews. Later, immigration was limited by the 1930 and 1939 White Papers, and land acquisition by Jews was severely restricted by the 1940 Land Transfer Regulations.

After the UN General Assembly adopted the resolution to partition Palestine on November 29, 1947, Britain announced the termination of its Mandate over Palestine, to take effect on May 15, 1948. On May 14, 1948, the State of Israel was proclaimed.





Comments (179 Comments)

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William Ruane  Sep 1 7:46 AM #

22     825

Obama and EU warns and threatens Putin, but ‘urges’ Israel to reconsider its decision….hmmmm


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SeekingUniverslTruth  Sep 1 8:58 AM #

129     198

the three teens were executed by israel in a filthy false flag operation.


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Murray Freedman  Sep 1 9:16 AM #

183     90

Any evidence or do you routinely spread lies?


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Paul Courtney  Sep 1 9:20 AM #

17     333

Enough. I was on the fence till now. Thought one side was as bad as the other but this land grab has decided me.


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Murray Freedman  Sep 1 9:31 AM #

331     28

And what are the full details of the alleged ‘land grab”? Do you ACTUALLY know are are you prepared to simply accept whatever you are fed?


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Paul Courtney  Sep 1 9:51 AM #

7     214

Murray, try searching for “Israel land seizure west bank”.

Today’s articles from independent. Co.UK. Huffington Washington to mention a few.

Do you think they all lying?

Even Israel’s own newspaper web sites?


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Emily Elephant  Sep 1 9:58 AM #

116     27

The false flag stuff really doesn’t add up. If Israel kept doing this, upped its rate a bit and seized 1000 acres every 3 months, it would take 1400 years, 380,000 dead Israelis and 12 million dead Palestinians to settle the West Bank. While I credit the Israelis with a longer view than, say, Fine Gael, I doubt any plans which are that elaborate.

I don’t doubt that their ultimate goal is the annexation of the larger chunk of the West Bank.


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John Rabbett  Sep 1 10:03 AM #

5     123

Murray see the attached link, Israeli news sources reporting 988 acres taken from 5 Palestinian villages. “The move clears the way for construction of a new settlement named Gvaot” according to the news website below. And it doesn’t matter what their reason the detail behind the, they have taken land which isn’t theirs.


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Mr Phil Officer  Sep 1 10:07 AM #

5     100

Murray it would be counterproductive to annex the whole of the West Bank or Gaza, Israel needs to keep the “enemy at the gates” like all the super powers they need a live fire battle field to keep troops battle ready. Occupy, antagonise and then blame the natives through the media to keep their own populace and military wound up nice and tight with an appetite for war.


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Murray Freedman  Sep 1 10:33 AM #

192     11

I can see lots of articles, some of which are maliciously labelled land grab, but no detailed, high resolution mapping that clearly defines exactly what is proposed, and where. Or who it will directly affect, or whether there are existing owners, or whether the land is under agriculture, or…

Israel operates under rule of law and from the little I could glean this morning, this decision has been overseen by the judiciary.

It’s all very well coming out in protest, but what are you actually protesting? Or is it simply that the media have called it a land grab and this has automatically set up a knee jerk reaction to all those who hate Israel?


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Were Jammin  Sep 1 10:40 AM #

8     125

Israeli media are reporting it, both left and right wing Murray. This isn’t the states, people bother to check information. Fail

“Israel operates under rule of law ”

And that puts the rest of your hasbara in context. israel regularly wipes its ar$e with both international and humanitarian law.


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John Rabbett  Sep 1 10:49 AM #

3     100

Murray, What difference does it make what the land is used for, it is not Israel’s land. Have Israel taken the land? and please note its a Yes or No question.


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Mr Phil Officer  Sep 1 10:51 AM #

3     83

Murray Israel violated international law and need to be held to account, the old testament is not the law and the argument that commentators are anti Israeli is an old one now. I don’t hate Israel and I think most Irish people understand and sympathise with the plight of the Palestinian people because of our own history in fact most people Irish or otherwise would be horrified to see a grown man beat and murder a child never mind a well trained and equipped military bombarding their houses and killing them in their beds, that’s not war its an extermination. No army should target civilians.


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Kp Gumbo  Sep 1 11:05 AM #

5     35

Jesus but you are a moron !!!


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Ailbhe O’Nolan  Sep 1 11:08 AM #

8     52

Murrays got the blinkers on.


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FMan  Sep 1 11:15 AM #

50     9

‘SeekingUniversalTruth. Making silly assertions about Israel murdering its own citizens does not advance the cause of peace and an agreed settlement in the area.


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De Wit  Sep 1 11:16 AM #

6     61

Why are any of you arguing with murray? Under no circumstances will he ever admit the rogue state has done wrong, have a read of this

“You know what is happening”: Letter to an Israeli friend Comment


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Michelle Rogers  Sep 1 11:17 AM #

8     37

We need to keep our own government on track too – here is our Department of Foreign Affairs statement on Gaza:

“Ireland wants to see a permanent and sustainable ceasefire, the lifting of the blockade on Gaza which is at the root cause of this devastating conflict and ultimately the establishment of a two-state solution which is based on the borders of 1967.”

If this really is our position, then we need to be clear that our craven relationship with the USA will not interfere with this position – letting USA war jets fly over Dublin is not a great way to do that.

I hope to hear our Government publicly denounce this latest land grab.


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Colm O’Brien  Sep 1 11:26 AM #

3     40


The rule of law you refer to operates like this: the military go to court and say it’s vital for Israel’s security that we have that land to make this road or whatever and the court says ok.


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Sean O’Keeffe  Sep 1 11:42 AM #

2     41

There is a great difference between the rule of law (observed by democracies) and rule by law (common to tyrannical administrations).


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M Bowe  Sep 1 11:59 AM #

1     43

Olive oil is currently being harvested on this land by the Palestinian owners. As for the death of the 3 teenagers being cause of this illegal land grab, tenders for construction of 1000 Israeli homes was issued for this area last year.


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Paul Maguire  Sep 1 12:19 PM #

2     44

It is toltally wrong what Israel is doing no matter what spin you want put on it


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Ablitive  Sep 1 12:19 PM #

8     25

Definately a false flag operation and a pretext to ground invade Gaza (Which incidentally occurred simultaneously on the same day as MH17 hoax)

BTW………. Where are the feet?


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De Wit  Sep 1 12:24 PM #

2     10

Watch: US broadcaster Mike Malloy wipes the floor with Israel apologists


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RP McMurphy  Sep 1 12:43 PM #

0     35

The land belongs to five Palestinian villages of Jaba, Sur’if, Wadi Fuk’in, Husan and Nahal’in according to Haaretz.

The proposal is to ‘create territorial continuity between the Green Line and the settlements of Beitar Ill it, K’far Etzi’on and Gvaot’.

I think when you appropriate 1000 acres belonging to someone else, then the law should act to protect those who are disenfranchised no matter who your international friends are. And this is on top of 245 acres appropriated from Palestine last April!


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Paul  Sep 1 12:54 PM #

1     4

maybe they were blown to bits and poured from a wheelbarrow onto them stretchers


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Brian McCarthy  Sep 1 1:18 PM #

2     22

You won’t hear any meaningful condemnation from our spineless government. Ireland is open for business but it’s not open to supporting the plight of the palestinians. Boycott Israel!!


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holden mcgroin  Sep 1 2:03 PM #

4     34

“Israel operates under the rule of law” hahahahahahahahahaha.

Israel has broken more UN resolutions than Saddam Hussein, Quadaffi and North Korea put together. And as for a “civilized” nation that uses flechettes on women and children don’t get me started. You are a propagandist Murray. An Israeli propagandist.


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Zoe Daly  Sep 1 2:10 PM #

2     21

agree Brian,

Ireland is open for business with Israel alright. You won’t hear a peep from our government. Quiet as mice.

Millions apparently spent in arms export to Israel in past few years. Interesting considering the allegiances of our last Minister for Defence!!


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twooggy  Sep 1 2:23 PM #

3     15

Murray’s an idiot!


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Ailbhe O’Nolan  Sep 1 3:10 PM #

3     16

Murray wouldn’t know the truth if it hit him in the face. The Israelis ciuld march into his house, boot him out and claim it as their own and he would still deny any wrong doing or that it even happened.


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Murray Freedman  Sep 1 5:06 PM #

18     0

Paul, please check out this link, which is what I was looking/waiting for.

Israel’s Decision to Declare 988 Acres of West Bank Territory as State Land

FWIW, I think Israel’s timing is idiotic.


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Murray Freedman  Sep 1 5:09 PM #

16     1


Haaretz is the Israeli newspaper that informs the Guardian and BBC – i.e., not my idea of balanced reporting. However, I was waiting to get more info and as you’ve had the courtesy to respond, can I direct you to this link, which is what I was looking/waiting for.

Israel’s Decision to Declare 988 Acres of West Bank Territory as State Land

FWIW, I think Israel’s timing is idiotic.


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Murray Freedman  Sep 1 5:11 PM #

19     0

Please see the link – it IS Israel land and the story you’ve been fed is intended to stir up trouble, where none exists.

Israel’s Decision to Declare 988 Acres of West Bank Territory as State Land

FWIW, I think Israel’s timing is idiotic.


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Were Jammin  Sep 1 5:26 PM #

2     18

@ murray. Your links to ‘prove’ that the land belongs to israel point to an israeli organisation headed up by netenyahus former foreign policy advisor.

Comical. Pathetic yet comical.


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Chris Mcdonnell  Sep 1 6:34 PM #

7     1

So Michele prematch entertainment at croke park is letting the Americans walk all over us? Do us a favour and join IS I’ll drive you to the airport


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Sean O’Keeffe  Sep 1 6:59 PM #

0     13

“I think the timing is idiotic.”

There’s never really a good time to engage in land theft and the provocation of a subjugated people into rebellion against their oppressor.

” The British Government believes that Israeli settlements on occupied territory are illegal. So does every other government in the world, except for Israel.”


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Oran Burns  Sep 1 7:00 PM #

12     2

They don’t target civilians.

If they did then they are not very good at it!

Hamas operate from heavily densely populated civilian areas and put their own people in the firing line.

But you won’t hear that on sky news.


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John Rabbett  Sep 1 7:21 PM #

1     11

Murray, I find it interesting that you can have such faith in an article on that has no author attached to it, when other blogs on the site have authors attached. That’s usually a sign of a lack of faith in the author in what they are writing.

You complain about a lack of balanced reporting from Haaretz, yet one of the Experts at the JCPA

Nadav Shragai wrote for that paper for 27 years.

Six out of the ten of the Experts are ex IDF( most of them with high Ranks).

The rest have had roles high up in the Government.

Its looking like all the Experts are Jewish.

Now how can they possibly provide a balanced response.

In fact, its an IDF led propaganda tool. Look back at the blogs not one mention of the fact that Israel bombed UN schools. The blogs show only one side of the story. So I ask how can you think they provide a balanced view


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John Rabbett  Sep 1 7:24 PM #

1     10

Oran, it does not matter if they do or do not target civilians, the fact is they hit them, and that should be the issue not that whether or not they target them.


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Oran Burns  Sep 1 10:13 PM #

9     4

John it does matter. It matters a huge deal as intent to do harm is a serious crime!

When an army is drawn into urban guerrilla warfare in a heavily densely populated area where the attackers hide amongst civilians in schools, mosques, UN shelters and homes….tragic and awful things happen.

I should add that every loss of Palestinian or Israeli innocent life is a tragedy.

But Hamas are the ones picking a fight and they see loss of life in a holy war as an act of service to God.

So they put women and children in the firing line.

It’s a dirty war tactic which needs to be exposed for what it is.


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John Rabbett  Sep 1 10:43 PM #

3     6

So knowing that Hamas put women and children in the line of fire the IDF still choose to fire on them. Yes its a dirty tactic, but even when the IDF were warned they were firing to close to UN shelters they kept firing. Both Hamas and IDF are guilty of using dirty tactics. Bear in mind that Israelis were so concerned that they took months to notice that one of their bomb shelters inside the zone being attacked by Hamas was turned into a Casino…


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Murray Freedman  Sep 1 11:40 PM #

4     3

John, I don’t have a problem with its authorship because the information simply makes sense to me. There were 3 areas agreed at Oslo – the one being discussed happens to be in Area C.

With regard to the UN schools, presumably you have read why UN schools were targeted, when they were targeted. You’ve presumably seen footage from Italian, French and Indian news teams that show missiles being launched from civilian areas, in one instance immediately adjacent to a UN facility.

I entirely share your horror at the deaths and injuries and the homelessness that has resulted from this conflict. Having lived and worked in Israel over many years, Israelis do not live their lives hoping to destroy Palestinians or make their lives harder. At one time, before the 2nd intifada, there was so much interaction between Israelis and Palestinians. They worked together, shopped in each others businesses, constructed homes together and shared lives. After the 2nd intifada that stopped completely, except in places like Haifa which has a big mixed Jewish and Muslim/Christian Arab population.

Unless you live there and experience the intensity of life, both good and bad, you cannot begin to understand what drives the narrative in Israel and the Palestinian territories. The Palestinians have so much to gain if they could only try to see past 45 years of hostile programming. It might be possible with Fatah and the PA. It won’t happen with Hamas – they are ideologically unable to negotiate with Israel, so I really don’t know the way forward.


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Murray Freedman  Sep 1 11:56 PM #

8     1

I have spoken to guys who went into Gaza for Cast Lead. They said it was like fighting with one hand tied behind your back. The IDF may not fire on civilians so when they come across a Hamas operative firing at them from behind a child or woman, they have to back away. I know this is not the narrative you’ve been told, but its true, nevertheless. I don’t doubt there are some rogue soldiers as in any army who will take the law into their own hands, but if they do and they are found out, Israeli military prisons are not good places to be.

WRT those Israelis who sat on a hill, watching the glow from explosions and cheering, when you have spent the past 12 years frequently having to dive into bomb shelters to avoid rockets and now mortar shells, the people across the border are viewed as very much the enemy and those people on the hill are glad to see that enemy getting a pasting. Its a normal human reaction, but does not mean that when some of the enemy come across the border in desperate need of medical attention, they don’t get that attention in Israeli hospitals.

Last November I shared a Tel Aviv hospital room with 2 other guys, one of whom was a Gazan (and his wife), who was getting medical aid for his terminal cancer. He had the same care and attention and food as we did. Hope you can acknowledge that.

Seems to me that a great deal of the hatred some Irish people feel for Israel stems from their identification with the Palestinians as suffering as did the Irish under the British. While there are some common causes, the two stories are really not the same. In fact, early Israelis had good reason to bitterly hate the English, but thats another story.


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Dummy Crusher  Sep 3 12:15 AM #

0     1

Paid Hasbara Puppet!


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Peter Slattery  Sep 1 7:33 AM #

28     673

And so wee see the true goal of the Israeli government and the Z word. Nothing they do is in the interest of security and the safety of their citizens. They just crave land.


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Niall H  Sep 1 7:49 AM #

28     523

It’s like watching ‘the field’ only they’ve bigger beards and in this case the yank does the murdering.


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SeekingUniverslTruth  Sep 1 9:00 AM #

32     79

Drum roll

Ladies and the Gentlemen

The analogy of the year goes to………….Niaaalllllllll H

*rapturous applause…………..standing ovation……………..


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SeekingUniverslTruth  Sep 1 9:15 AM #

11     56

i just read that again niall…….clsss lmfao


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Murray Freedman  Sep 1 9:21 AM #

313     31

At its centre, Israel is 9 miles wide, from the sea to the West Bank. If Israel just,’craved land’, they would have annexed the entire West Bank by now, not withdrawn from Gaza, or returned the Sinai to Egypt.

Security for its citizens is very much at the forefront of every governments’ mind. Israel is no different.


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SeekingUniverslTruth  Sep 1 9:31 AM #

13     168

security is such a quaint term for murder


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Peter Slattery  Sep 1 9:56 AM #

6     87

Keep shilling, Murray.


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Murray Freedman  Sep 1 10:34 AM #

109     4

So are security guards by your definition, murderers?


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D H  Sep 1 11:01 AM #

5     57

Murray israel not only crave the land but they also dont want to end up a pariah. They have long figured that slow and steady is how to achieve this without ending up like sourh africa. And the international community idly by watching and seemingly supporting the ethnic cleansing of palestine to make way for the jewish israel


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Were Jammin  Sep 1 11:18 AM #

6     62

@ murray: “So are security guards by your definition, murderers?”

They are if they’re conscripted to the IDF and then shell UN shelters where innocent women and children are hiding in fear of their lives, as we just witnessed multiple times.


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De Wit  Sep 1 11:35 AM #

4     49

People that deliberately kill innocent people are murderers, it doesn’t matter what their job is or how many lies they tell about not meaning to do it.


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Zoe Daly  Sep 1 11:44 AM #

3     64

Its not just about land. Its about water supplies as well. Israel is claiming all the best land that contains water supplies, streams or wells. They are leaving the arid desert to the Palestinians.

Obama is afraid of the powerful Jewish lobby, because they control America. They run the film, media, entertainment and communications industries. They make or break who so ever they chose, and they have a significant voice in who becomes US President.

But Israel has gone too far this time. It is a rogue state that is out of control, in complete defiance of international law. The US, & the rest of the international community, will have to find the courage to make a stand.


fergal barry  Sep 1 7:45 AM #

31     507

Isn’t land grabbing something the Nazis did and we are still hearing how terrible it was for the Jew ish. . And the Holocaust. How come Israel thinks it’s ok for them to now do it.. A very short memory. Sickening.


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Glen  Sep 1 7:50 AM #

31     330

Today’s political zi0nists have nothing in common with those who died in hitlers camps but more with hitler himself.


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SeanieRyan  Sep 1 8:53 AM #

16     165

Look at what they did to the Black Jews from Ethiopa, they gave them contraceptives via injection and told them they were Hep shots etc.

What is that but straight from Germany of the 30′s. They have become what they most hate.


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Murray Freedman  Sep 1 9:40 AM #

179     16

When the Nazis grabbed land, we are talking about world domination. From the west coast of France to almost Moscow in the east, the arctic circle to the Sahara in the south.

Israel is 9 miles wide at its centre, from the sea to the West Bank. It’s returned Sinai to Egypt and Gaza to the Gazans.

But you still feel able to compare the two? And 330 geniuses think you are right? Thankfully I know many Irish people who have a deeper understanding than you and your online friends.


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John Rabbett  Sep 1 9:47 AM #

7     88

Now that is just sick… The fact that they don’t even try to justify it says an awful lot..


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Miguel O’Reilly  Sep 1 9:55 AM #

6     95

you really have no idea Murray do you? mass murder, land grab, propaganda machine spouting nonsense. where have we seen this all before eh?

only difference this time is the US are arming them to carry out these atrocities


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DN  Sep 1 9:59 AM #

7     88

@murray. Before this Irish state was born we have seen murder and land grab from occupying forces. Dont tell us Irish that we dont understand. We know damn well what its like to live under an oppressive regeme. Spout your propoganda elswhere, shill.


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Murray Freedman  Sep 1 10:37 AM #

91     7

So no actual reply to my post – just more name calling? Well I guess that just shows how lacking in answers you are.




Gaza PALESTINIANS SIT in a damaged house as they watch a parade celebrating Hamas’s ‘victory’ over Israel, in the Shejaia neighborhood, Gaza. (photo credit:REUTERS)


The analysis of Martin Sherman on the Gaza War is surely correct. This war was conducted in the most disgraceful even farcical manner by the Israeli leaders.


Sherman is correct in that they dissipated the good will in the world by not advancing energetically in the first days to challenge Hamas Fatah power. Very quickly their hesitation gave the opportunity to Antisemites in various forums to themselves organise and advance


But Sherman is incorrect in one main respect which is that he expects the present elite to somehow create a programme which includes propaganda, they call it “Hasbara”. Propaganda is vital. But how can it be done and what is its content. Sherman is incorrect if he thinks or expects or even implies that the present lot can do this. The whole point is that they cannot


But if they cannot then who can.


There needs to be a new party leadership in Israel. Given the total bankruptcy of the present leadership right across the board this will have to be a Trotskyist Party. It is necessary to possess the state and the state apparatus…KEY CONCEPT!


I wish they were not actually necessary or a truth. Then we could all get back to our gardening.


But history ordains that it is not possible. We have to face up to the demands of the situation.


The present Israeli ruling class is very divided and is very bankrupt. LET US NUMBER THEM…There is the traitorous elite around Labour (that is not socialism in case you think it is the discredited Labour Parties of the world), there is a religious outfit called Shas, totally opportunist, not really political at all, there is the openly Shimon Peres residue BASURA (OSLO) as carried on by Livni. Then there is Likud who have various strains of patriotism but that is drowned out by their political ignorance, and their division among themselves. For example Feiglin INTERESTING GUY says good things at times, but the way he treated Glenn Beck shows he is a kind of doctrinaire who lives in the clouds. (Beck had to be welcomed to Jerusalem while never abandoning independence from Beck). These are basic primary school political lessons.

Martin Sherman is doing a very useful job in facing down the excuses for action (he is calling them “canards” Like it!


Sherman wants 1 per cent of budget, a cool billion, devoted to “Hasbara”


I agree and would even up it. That is how important!


It is always concrete. Lenin said Land Bread and Peace. THAT was Hasbara! It was concrete. It explained reality. It proposed action. It justified action. And the action was decisive and courageous.  For example Lenin pulled out of the War Bloodbath while Kerensky kept on the bloodletting. THAT alone won huge support.


First steps then 2 months ago LET US IMAGINE


  1. Explain the enemy. Clarify the enemy. That meant the “Protocols of Zion” of Hamas, An evil Nazi type organisation. And Caroline Glick did the second part. She explained how Fatah WAS Hamas at every point.
  2. So I think perhaps one relevant paragraph from the Charter of Hamas would be sufficient
  3. Thus explain the need for the necessary action. Do not overload! Ever!
  4. Which was to take over Gaza by means of a massive onslaught in the very first couple or three days
  5. Kill or arrest (then execute after military trial) the enemy leaders. Even be magnanimous and offer exile to some
  6. Explain through Hasbara that this is the only way to peace, and why there must be nobody who harbours Antisemitic views living in the state of Israel (Our central point which we continually make). Explain this by means of basic maps produced by the pioneering Mark Langfan (for example 3 dimensional maps which show that the hills of Judea and Samaria are overlooking the massively populated Coastal Strip of Tel Aviv and are in striking distance, easily, of the main Israeli airport
  7. Arabs of Palestine can expect a new and promising life elsewhere. Offer this challenge to the world governments to help them, especially Arab Governments to help the Palestinian Arabs find a new life. What happens if they refuse? No matter this is not predicated on the cooperation of our enemy!!!)
  8. Remind the world that the Arabs got 22 states since 1922, not bad going at all, and they are most rich
  9. Even among these Arabs in Palestine there are some who do really love Israel and love Jews. They are exceptional people. Love them! This is a humanitarian solution and not a racist thing in any way!
  10. From that position of decisive power and complete understanding of use of the state (we are never Anarchists a battle which goes back now nearly 200 years) the way opens up
  11. A new situation is created through action




Do you agree? Good and we ask something in return. When you see attacks on Leon Trotsky do some digging because the above ideas are straight from our understanding of what Leon Trotsky was all about. Please. Do your own research. No sly digs either. I want the truth in everything. And I want some loyalty from my friends!



“When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks…” (Qur’an 47:4)

“When you gonna wake up, and strengthen the things that remain?” (Bob Dylan, echoing Revelation 3:2)

This is denial and willful ignorance on a scale so massive as to spell nothing less than a doomed society.

“Woman beheaded ‘with machete’ in north London garden,” by Tom Whitehead, Ed Malnick, Tom Brooks Pollock and Gordon Rayner, the Telegraph, September 4, 2014 (thanks to Pamela Geller):

An 82-year-old woman was beheaded in a north London garden after a crazed attacker went beserk with a machete.

Pensioner Palmira Silva was decapitated at her house in Edmonton in broad daylight in an apparent frenzied assault by a 25-year-old man who randomly targeted victims.

The horror scene unfolded as terrified eye witnesses saw the man, who was wielding a foot long blade, attack a passing vehicle and a cat before roaming back gardens for a victim.

Police believe the man also tried to attack two people at another address in Nightingale Road but they were able to escape without injury.

The man was arrested after armed police, who had distracted him to avoid other attacks, cornered him in a house and Tasered him, during which some officers were injured.

Ms Silva was pronounced dead at the scene.

One line of inquiry for detectives is now understood to be whether the man had been inspired by recent footage of the Isil beheadings of two US journalists in Syria.

Locals last night claimed the arrested man had converted to Islam last year.

However, detectives said they had ruled out terrorism as a motive for the killing.

On what grounds? Why, denial and willful ignorance, of course.

Eye witnesses described a dramatic operation by police called to the scene in which officers were smashing windows of neighbouring properties lift screaming children and terrified residents to safety.

One neighbour told of her narrow escape and that she believed the attacker was a local man.

Catering worker Freda Odame, 30, said she heard a commotion and pulled back her curtains and saw a black man aged in his mid 20s.

“Someone was shouting and the door was banging. I could hear the screaming but I could not hear what he was saying,” she said.

“I could see that he had a big curved knife, about the size of an arm’s length and he was crouching as if frantically searching for something.

“He had a crazed look in his eyes so I closed my curtains because I was scared. My next door neighbour was in his garden but did not seem to realise anything was going on.

“I have seen him around here all the time, I think he lives on the road, He has a grey car and I think he lives with his family.

“I was just so very scared. Five minutes after I heard him screaming the police knocked on my door and told me I had to get out.”

Neighbour Sue Mahadooa, 50, who saw police cars screech to a halt outside her home, said officers were running down the street shouting at people to get out of their homes.

Officers with battering rams began breaking down front doors and smashing windows to help neighbours to safety, unaware of which property the killer was in.

Ms Mahadooa said the house at which it is believed the woman was killed in the back garden is split into three maisonettes and police were desperate to get residents out of the flats without sending them into the corridor of the property.

“These officers ran up and started trying to help these two children and a woman out of the little top window of the ground floor,” she said.

“The woman couldn’t get through the window so they started smashing the bigger one, but then I saw them get her out of the front door.

“She was very frightened. The kids were crying and looked very scared. There was clearly something awful going on inside the house.”

George Stylianou said: “Policewomen were sprinting past us and screaming at us ‘get back – you don’t understand how dangerous this man is.’

“Then we saw that policemen were running along the road dragging women and children out of windows – they had to smash windows to drag women out.”

Ahmed Yusuf, 19, said: “At first there were two police cars, then all of a sudden there were 20.

“The police said to drop everything. I said ‘What’s going on?’ and they said there’s a guy jumping over gardens.”

Earlier one witness had Tweeted: “Madman on the loose with a machete in Edmonton”.

Edmonton MP Andy Love said: “I am absolutely horrified and stunned by what has happened in my constituency.

“This is a relatively solid community with relatively good relations between all of the people living there. It comes as a shock that it has happened.

Mini cab driver Ricardo Kwiek, 23, told of how he saw a young man fighting with police before being bundled into a van.

“There were policemen trying the front door and the back. The chap inside wasn’t letting them in,” he said.

“They got in the back door. They came out with a man who was struggling and fighting.

“He wasn’t giving up. I could see loads of police fighting with him. They all piled on top of him and arrested him.

Metropolitan Police Commander Simon Letchford said: “Officers who attended the scene evacuated a number of those people from those premises to make them safe.

“During that period they distracted the man from carrying out any further attacks.”

He said his officers had done “everything they could to evacuate people from those premises and that clearly they were aware of what had happened and they put themselves in extreme danger to protect the public, to ensure that his behaviour was stopped as soon as it possibly could be”.

DCI John Sandlin, who is leading this investigation, said: “This is was a highly visible attack in broad daylight on a residential street. I can understand why this may cause people concern, however we are confident that we are not looking for anyone else at this stage.

“Whilst it is too early to speculate on what the motive behind this attack was I am confident, based on the information currently available to me, that it is not terrorist related.”

The arrested man was being treated for minor injuries suffered during his apprehension.



Picture of the heads of Young Serbs. The war in Yugoslavia of the 90s was where Young Christian Serbs were beheaded by Jihadists. This was supported by the British and the US … like TOTALLY. The Media was totally against Milosevic and the Serbs and this is where this ideology came from. Now these poor deluded fools like Foley are being beheaded by those very same Muslims who they supported in (we have to say it) their foolish lives. It is really tragic. The BBC and the Media are the real criminals here


Pamela Geller wisely comments on this:


This is not surprising. Typical, actually. Both James Foley and Steve Sotloff were sympathetic to the jihad cause. Foley went to Syria because he was “exasperated by islamophobia” and wanted to “build bridges between Muslims and Christians.” And Sotloff was supportive of terror organizations in Egypt. And Syria.


Many of Sotloff’s tweets show sympathy for terrorists.


The British hostage now being held by his British Muslim executioner “worked so hard” for Bosnian Muslims.


“British hostage threatened by Jihadi John helped Muslims in Balkans”




EVEN MORE…The aid worker threatened with beheading by Islamist terrorists has ‘tried so hard’ to help others, friends say The jihadist holds the British hostage at the end of the Sotloff video, 03 Sep 2014


A British hostage threatened with beheading by Islamist terrorists spent years helping Muslims rebuild war-torn communities in the Balkans, it has emerged.


Former colleagues said the aid worker was revered by Muslims in Croatia, who nicknamed him the “Crazy Scotsman”.


They said they could not understand why the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isil) wanted to murder him when he had “tried so hard to help” Muslims.
















The above picture presents Galloway as being some kind of noble fighter against injustice


This picture is truer to the real person. Galloway is a washed up and depraved product of the Stalinists post 1967 defeat of the Arabs by Israel


The Stalinist regime in Moscow had backed the Arabs in the Middle East for its own reasons, and part of this if not central was backing the Arabs against Israel. Remember the Jews were in serious difficulties following the 1947 partition resolution in the UN and the following decision by 5 Arab countries to make war on the nascent Jewish state. The British and US State Department had also delared war unofficially on the Jews and were totally refusing to sell arms to the Jews. The previous year 1946 one year after the Holocaust the British were hanging Jews in Palestine. It was Stalin who rescued the Jews with the go ahead to an arms shipment bought from Czechoslovakia.

However by 1967 that had ALL changed and now the Stalinist regime was backing the Arabs totally. With the defeat of the Arabs in the 1948 war the Stalinists turned totally against the Jews in an Antisemitic campaigm that equalled the worst propaganda of the Nazis

Galloway essentially comes out of that Stalinist (post 1967) defeat campaign. Of course he uses his own words but there are big similarities to what the Stalinists were saying, for example a constant theme was that “Zionism” equals nazism, runs through both the discource of the Stalinist post 1967 and Galloway to the present.

So now to the present and this attack on Galloway that we are talking about. It is clear to me that Galloway has falsified history in a disgraceful manner. Moreover I think that this falsificationn can be shown to the people of Ireland, not naturally all at once, but certainly with work and a party it is possible.

I wrote this yesterday and it is relevant in this issue of Galloway:

“There was NO Palestinian Arab nationalist consciousness at all.

Sha’o ben-Tekoa (Phantom Nation Inventing the Palestinians as the Obstacle to Peace) shows this very conclusively and he uses the writings of Khalidi to do so. The fact that he can use him is most telling.

Sha’o ben-Tekoa goes on to document the two occasions which are of note. It was the founding of newspapers.

The first was a newspaper called “el Karmil” in 1908. Rashidi called it the first “Palestinian” paper.

The name of that newspaper does not refer to any nation. Sha’o ben-Tekoa claims it is the name of a hill!!!

Sha’o ben-Tekoa also points out this was 45 years after the first Zionist paper. But more important than that is that no Arabs were calling themselves “Palestinians” (period we talk about here is the run up to World War 1) so how can Rashidi call it the first “Palestinian” consciousness. This is magic making.

In this book Sha’o ben-Tekoa is quite relentless in exposing this word “Palestinian” or “Palestinians”. This is only a sample. I feel this is needed and is a guide to the way forward.”

(end extract here)

It is material like this that makes me certain that it is possible to expose the lies of Galloway.

The man who struck against Galloway is obviously on a different, and bankrupt, track. He does not think it is possible to expose Galloway politically as 4international is doing above.

He Masterson does not build a party or leadership in Scotland or Ireland. Instead he lashes out in a physical attack on Galloway.

To what purpose? What has he achieved by that? How has he exposed that Galloway is lying when he claims that the Jews took the land of the “Palestinians”? For one thing they were not “Palestinians”, did not call themselves “Palestinians”, and since the Treaty of Versailles and the beginning of Wilson’s mandate system the Arabs have achieved 22 states, as they have at present, even though that too is being ravaged by the Jihad

I refer especially also to the bankrupt political position of this guy called “Charles” above who thinks that hitting Galloway is a “result”.

I have crossed swords with this “Charles” before on this site and he is certainly a Marxist hater and especially a Trotskyist hater and he once referred to Trotskyism as “shite” on this very site.

Now all he can say about this serious attack on Galloway is “result”.

It has certainly exposed the reactionary politics of this “Charles”. I believe that this “Charles” as a defender of Israel is bankrupt and is being used by Israel haters on this site because of this bankruptcy. True Trotskyism is a different matter though. We will expose the lies of Galloway and do not have to resort to what the bankrupt Masterson, with obviously the agreement of “Charles”, did.