Colorado High School Students Say Pledge In Arabic: ‘One Nation Under Allah’



The school recites the Pledge of Allegiance weekly, on Mondays. Last Monday,  the student body recited the pledge in Arabic replacing “under God” with “under Allah.”

Parents should demand that principal Tom Lopez of Rocky Mountain High school invite a speaker to inform the children just what the implications are of “nation under Allah”. If they had any clue they would never utter those words again.

Further proof of the increasing islamization of our schools. Mind-blowing. Endless concessions and accommodations to Islamic demands only give way to more demands for even more Islam, as shown in the recent blockbuster revelations of an Islamic takeover of UK public schools. What is less well known is that the same kinds of things are happening here in the United States.

HS Students Say Pledge In Arabic: ‘One Nation Under Allah’  The Daily Dose, April 28, 2014

The principal at Rocky Mountain High School in Fort Collins, Colorado, is facing a hailstorm of criticism from some very angry parents and residents.

The school recites the Pledge of Allegiance weekly, on Mondays. Last Monday, a member of their “Cultural Arms Club” led the student body in an Arabic version of the pledge, replacing the words “under God” with “under Allah.”

Principal Tom Lopez denies any attempt to push an Islamic agenda, saying, “These students love this country. They were not being un-American in trying to do this. They believed they were accentuating the meaning of the words as spoken regularly in English.”

Principal Lopez doesn’t make any sense. Speaking unintelligible words in Arabic in some way accentuates their meaning? That is an extremely weak argument in defense of an ill-advised decision.

He said the cultural clubs seeks to “destroy the barriers, embrace the cultures” that exist within the high school.

That would translate into “destroy the barriers to Islam and embrace it,” correct, Mr. Lopez?

The Poudre School District communications director, Danielle Clark, said they understand why parents are upset. She told Fox News, “We understand not everybody would agree with the students’ choice. We’ve heard there are some who are upset.”

Let’s put his into perspective for the feeble-minded Clark and Lopez. It is not the student’s choice. They do not control the public address system. It was a school choice.

Her simplistic defense included a reference to “one” supportive email and a reference to a similar mistake last year which drew controversy when the pledge was recited in Spanish. Somehow not learning from and expanding upon your previous mistakes is perceived as a viable defense for these educators.

An abdication of responsibility is also part of their defense. Clark attempted to pass the buck of responsibility to the students, saying, “This is a student-initiated and student-led club. There is no school sponsor or advisor. It doesn’t come under the umbrella of the district.”

Actually, the activity of reciting the pledge does come under the district. Choosing to put it into the hands of a group not regulated by their administrators does not provide absolution.

“We deferred to the students because it’s their deal,” she said.

One cultural club member, professing to not understand the controversy is Skyler Bowden. Bowden simplistically told The Coloradoan, “No matter what language it’s said in, pledging your allegiance to the United States is the same in every language.”

Given their youth, the high school students might understandably not recognize the problems with proclaiming America as “one nation under Allah.” The grownups should and they ought to be controlling the activity.

The Muslim Brotherhood front group CAIR chimed in saying, “Obviously in Arabic, you would use the word Allah, but Christian Arabs would use the word Allah.” Their spokesperson, Ibrahim Hooper, claimed use of the word Allah is “not necessarily specific to Islam and Muslims.” From an American point of view, it is, whether he is technically correct or not, to Americans, in America, it’s a specific Muslim and Islamic reference.

As if to reinforce the idiocy of reciting the pledge in another language, Clark said she did not hear the pledge and does not speak Arabic so she could not confirm exactly what words were used.

Lopez said he has been getting a variety of accusations leveled at him, including being called a traitor. He said, “They claim they are outraged, that this is blaspheming a real major tenet of our patriotism – which in their mind the Pledge of Allegiance is only in English.”

He said he’s also been accused of “pushing a Muslim Brotherhood agenda – to push Islam into the school.” He denies that was behind the decision.

CAIR representative Hooper told Fox News he was dumbfounded by complaints about the Arabic version of the pledge.

“How on earth is it un-American to recite the Pledge of Allegiance in another language,” Hooper asked. “It doesn’t make sense unless the people complaining are anti-Muslim or anti-middle eastern bigots.”

It just might be that Americans recognize the Islamic agenda, Mr. Hooper, and are tired of having it forced upon them. Maybe we know what you are up to and people are pushing back.

Principal Lopez said all of the criticism and complaints had him “worn down.”

Playing the tolerance card, Lopez labeled himself as the victim, stating, “I’ve been shocked with prejudicial statements that have been made. I’ve been shocked with the lack of seeking understanding. There’s definitely suspicion and fear expressed in these people’s minds. There’s some hate.”

One resident, Chris Wells put it in terms even educator Lopez could understand. Writing in The Daily Coloradoan, he said, “As a veteran and a friend of a man killed defending these children in their little games they like to play with our pledge, I’m offended. There are things that we don’t mess with – among them are the pledge and our anthem.”

Rick Wells is a conservative author who believes an adherence the U.S. Constitution would solve many of today’s problems. “Like” him on Facebook and “Follow” him on Twitter.

– See more at:


I blame the BBC and all of those I have met over past years, and fought with me, sometimes working to exclude me, who have been hiding the real nature of Islam for the plight of these poor Nigerian girls abducted into the forest by these SAVAGES because Islam no matter about the BBC lies is a SAVAGE political ideology. These girls are suffering and paying the ultimate price for the apology for Islam and lies for Islam by people like you see in the BBC. Note in these short paragraphs below the BBC refers to these savages in Nigeria as being “MILITANTS”. That is a carefully chosen Word by the BBC to deflect from the SAVAGERY of Islam. It is Islam that is responsable for the horrible plight of these girls and it is NOT the incompetent Nigerian Government. Islam Islam Islam.


quote from BBC


Boko Haram, whose name means “Western education is forbidden”, is fighting to establish Islamic law in Nigeria. It often targets educational establishments.

It is thought that the militants took the girls to the Sambisa forest near the Cameroonian border.

Parents and vigilante group have gone there to help search for the teenage girls.

Borno, Yobe and Adamawa states in north-east Nigeria have been under emergency rule since last May.

A map showing Borno state and the town of Chibok in Nigeria


Yakobson, 2009

I ask who in political terms is he?


I challenge what is meant by Israeli bloggers when they use terms like “Radical left” or even “Leftists”. Some of the articles by Steven Plaut use the term “Radical Left” it seems to me about 40 times in one article. In any case a lot. So is a member of “Peace Now” such as Alexander Yakobson one of those too (radical left) and what then does it mean? In what way is “Peace Now” in any way connected with Lenin or Trotsky…they most likely know nothing about Lenin and Trotsky, and if they did know would be absolutely opposed. Is this then part of a lie that is being put about by people like Steven Plaut who seek to lie and discredit our socialist history because they seek capitalism for the Jews? Who then is Yakobsen? What does he mean for us or represent in reality, politically? All of us Jews and non Jews in this period have to be absolute precise in our language and meaning.




This following article is definitely NOT a history and only gives some information which can be useful to a history. The writer only very partially understands what the ideology and practise of Stalinism is. The honest Jewish reader will quickly understand that from 1922 to the present is a period of the most intense struggles and conflicts. And if that period has been intense then this new century is going to be ten times more intense because the crisis in capitalism that produced the Holocaust is now 10 times more intense. Who were these first communists who came to Palestine in 1922? There is thus need for a historical reckoning but none forthcoming in this article

Mayday Demonstration in downtown Nazareth (Photo: Eli Gozansky)
but what a farce in our 4international eyes, What a parody of communism the above picture represents. That is what all Israelis today see as being communism. Thes esentiments are straight out of the Nazi Big Lie. The Arabs in Israel today TAKE the Jobs and education but they make war on the Jewish State. Abbas says never a Jewish state but the Arabs since 1918 have gained 22 states of their own and still want a 23rd for this people called “Palestinians” created only since 1967 as an Antisemitic stratagem. These Stalinists must be politically exposed and destroyed. (From 2012 and is from


You will find Little encouragement in the Jewish Virtual Library. Hey guys Israel was not founded in 1922. The writer in Jewish Virtual clearly had Little appetite for the task and dismissed the whole (to him sorry) affair in about 5 lines…


The really important thing to grasp in all of this is that Leon Trotsky had become a Zionist by the 1930s in that he was advocating Jews to by any means get themselves to Palestine from out of the killing fields of Europe. His great ability allowed him to PREDICT  the Holocaust so accurately.


these are historical facts and although I cannot itemise them here what I say is true


The difficulty for some today is that Trotsky was advocating a Jewish state while doing so from the standpoint of being a confirmed Atheist. This some religious Jews today just cannot stand and the thought of this drives some I have known into apoplexy. Indeed reproduced fully by Joseph Nedava an interview of 1938 shows Trotsky with a huge interest and attachment to Jewishness. He was a Jew and proud to be a Jew just as I am proud to be Irish (the cards that are dealt etc!)


As if all that were not enough, and it is plenty, there is also enough evidence that Trotsky was aware of the danger of what he called “Mohammedanism” and in this context he talked about the movement or transfer of peoples in this case meaning Arabs, so that Jews could find a place on earth to follow their ancient traditions, and of course religion.


That it must be pointed out was before our modern great awakening on Islam as a result of the theoretical work of many outstanding scholars, such as Andrew Bostom


To sum up these indaequate remarks I would say that the working class in the historical REGION OF Palestine should indeed celebrate May Day 2014, but should link it to the Holocaust, and to the role of the Arabs led by Hajj Amin el Husseini in that Holocaust. As we said Abbas is straight out of the Holocaust, his Holocaust Denial thesis for doctorate is only part, the other part is that both he and Arafat were mentored by Hajj Amin el Husseini. The need is to arrest these Nazi leadership of Fatah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad and to advance on all fronts the need for a Jewish State, not just any old state, but a Jewish state which must be sacrosanct. In this situation of historical Palestine today political demands such as these are primary


The real Marxists or Trotskyists opposed to Stalinism must be at the Forefront int he fight for historical accuracy on these issues. Profesor Francisco Gil White and Jared Israel have continually pointed to how the Israeli elites have also hidden the role of Hajj Amin el Husseini in the Holocaust. We on 4international concur. That actually gets to the very heart of the issue in the Middle East. The Arabs are filled witht he Antisemitism of the Jihad and it is that which created the Alliance with the Nazis. That should be number one topic at any May Day rally in Israel this year but will not. That it will not is not at all cause for despondency. Youth of Israel especially the youth will be looking more and more for historical truth


The article below I point out hails from 2012 so is still somewhat relevant


start article extract here


Under the direction of the Israeli Communist Party, part of the broader left-wing Hadash movement since 1977, demonstrators rallied on Friday evening in Jerusalem, Saturday night in Haifa, and on Sunday in Tel Aviv. In Nazareth, prior to lunch on Saturday, hundreds of people from across the generations and genders spilled out for a march that crossed from a petrol station located near to the Catholic Church of the Annunciation northward toward Mary’s Well, where Orthodox Christians believe the Virgin Mary was visited by the Archangel Gabriel, thus commencing her pregnancy.

Maki’s history goes back to the declaration of the Israeli state in 1948, and its roots extend to the Palestinian Communist Party, founded in 1923, mostly by immigrants who brought Europe’s burgeoning communist movement with them. Communism around the world has changed dramatically since those early days, when it was a movement of labor unions and chin-stroking intellectuals, and has become more closely associated with the totalitarian regimes of Josef Stalin, Mao Zedong, and Pol Pot. But the Israeli branch missed most of these changes, and today it’s more about farmer communes and worker’s unions (and some Israel-specific issues, such as its controversial anti-Zionism).

Israel’s influx of conservative Russian immigrants and its occupation may edge the country ever to the right, but Hadash — a superficially joint Judeo-Arab front of socialist parties and organisations — won four seats in the most recent Knesset elections. They propose a self-described non-Zionist platform, one opposed to all forms of nationalism, in favor of total withdrawal from the West Bank and other territories gained after 1967 (an “aggressive war”), and the institutionalisation of the right of return for Palestinian refugees. Maki’s report on the most recent Party Congress in March speaks of the dangers of U.S. imperialism in the Middle East, and the dangers posed by the “fascistic” Netanyahu government.

Hadash appeals for Israel to become a bi-national state, as opposed to a homeland for the Jewish people (General Secretary Mohammad Barakeh has stated previously that he “does not accept the demand that every Jew can come to Israel”). This position has, according to Haaretz writer Avirama Golan, shackled Hadash and Maki to “the separatist-nationalist and populist stream.” They are, as such, merely one facet of the larger Arab bloc with Balad, Ra’am, and Ta’al, all Arab-Israeli parties.

A number of children also participated in the May Day demonstration. Clad in pristine white shirts and smart red neckerchiefs, they formed several marching bands made up largely of drummers, carried banners, or in one case dressed up as milk cartons festooned with Arabic writing. Most had been brought to the rally by their parents, who watched from the side of the road, cheered, and snapped pictures of their offspring.

Discussing the complex and often tortured history of communist can be difficult when talking with a still-committed Marxist-Leninist, whose views aren’t tied to Stalin or Mao, but aren’t always easily separated from these touchier legacies, either. Talking to Khenin, the communist Knesset member, we managed to discuss them indirectly by talking about whether the kids in the crowd understood the complexities of the ideology they were marching for. Khenin said that the children could not know the “mistakes of history” and the “lessons learned” from them.

By the time that the final rally in concrete carbuncle reached what was supposed to be its climax, the heat of the midday sun had sent most of the marchers retreating to shady areas, where boxes of popsicles waited. The designated speakers, grizzled old comrades, were left to make their passionate, firebrand speeches to a half-empty square, each concluded with a smattering of wilted applause.

Maki and Hadash haven’t quite succeeded in establishing themselves as the strong opposition to the current Netanyahu-Barak government that they’d sought. As a non-Zionist outfit, they’ve isolated themselves from Israel’s main opposition forces — parties such as Labor, Meretz, and Kadima; and peace organisations such as Peace Now — who all broadly support withdrawal from the West Bank as a means to securing a Jewish and democratic state.

Khenin repeatedly used the phrase “social justice” to describe the protest’s main message: “Money for Jobs and Education — Not War and Occupation”, one banner read. Social justice is in and of itself a noble cause, but Maki are perhaps the wrong voice to trumpet it, given their status as one branch of a larger movement that is more associated with its many injustices. It is a reminder of how isolated Israeli communism has been from the rest of the communist world since the first communists arrived here almost a century ago.




Steven Plaut a Business lecturer in Israel has called the Jews in Israel who are anti-Israel as being “Radical Left”. There is another article on Israpundit which is filled with historical lies about the Russian Revolution. Another article and sentiment among these circles completely ditches the Jews in the rest of the world that have not made the journey to Israel to settle there. Basically they are saying if Nazis get them (and on this Holocaust Memorial time then no problem…believe it or not that is the essence) then TOO BAD FOR THEM. I have read this on Israpundit and all over the place on so called Jewish blogs.


Plaut is really a fool. Capitalism is in a crisis of gigantic measure. It has caused unending unemployment in Europe of 60 to 70 per cent among youth in countries like Spain. The whole deck of cards which is seen in American debt and in Chinese links to this debt may collapse at any time…and like earthquakes it is not a matter of if but when.


As Lenin said in so many words it is reaction all down the line. Unable to solve its domestic crises the whole system led by Obama plunges towards Nuclear War against Russia and China. NATO has been surrounding Russia now for decades. It has been occupying the old Warsaw Pact countries. This was an agreement between Bush Snr. And Gorbachev that if Russia dismantled Warsaw Pact NATO would respect that and stay out. It was Bill Clinton who was the worst in breaking that promise.


Two months ago now NATO, the US and EU countries set in motion the most dangerous situation for humanity when it promoted the overthrowing of a DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED Government in Ukraine.


This type of action is ALWAYS a most dangerous road to tread. It is always a big danger within capitalism to step outside of the democratic parliamentary process.


As soon as you step outside of that process and towards the use of ARMED BODIES OF MEN ON THE STREETS that is taking a step towards Fascism


THAT is what has happened in Ukraine and that is being hidden even denied by every Jewish blogger that I know.


We have seen much in the last 20 years since the Yugoslavia crisis began.


The Yugoslavia crisis was marked by the US and EU joining forces with radical Islam, with the Jihad in the case of Yugoslavia with Izetbegovic, who it is known played host in Bosnia to Bin Laden who was using Bosnia as a transitional point before Afghanistan and 9-11


We have also seen the US and Mubarak, the US and Tunisia, the US and Gaghbo, the US and Libya. In the latter the US armed directly the forces of Al Qaida to destroy Gadhafi.


In all of these situations the US has been a huge destabilisation force in the world. The leaders of the EU are forced along the same road by this insuperable crisis in their system.


Steven Plaut may feel isolated in this world wide crisis because Israel is very successful.


The problem is that Plaut is an American who is totally behind the US led Imperialist Capitalist system.


That is a big problem for every Jew because Plaut is no different to any of the bloggers I know.


Answer me this clever gentlemen. If world capitalism plunges into Fascism it also plunges into world Antisemitism


What then? Where do you turn?


You simply should not be in such a hurry to tell your lies about the Russian Revolution. Pay just a little teeny weeny bit more attention to capitalism as a system and what it is doing to the world.


There is no hope at all that these kinds of hardened American ideologues like Plaut will change. But the Israeli youth that is a different matter. They live in the midst of this US generated Fascism which is called “Palestinianism”. Some of these Jewish youth will begin to see that Plaut’s capitalism is not the answer but is the root of the problem. Do not be in such a hurry to dismiss old Karl just yet!

ABBAS is a deep nazi and antisemite

Readers of 4international should visit the article on mahmoud Abbas in Wikipedia in order to understand that Abbas is in fact a deep Antisemite and comes out of the same Antisemitism as the Nazis. Read especially about his thesis that those jews trying to recue Jews were Nazis!!!!


Danon the Israeli Minister particularly took issue with Abbas’s claim in the speech that a unity government with Hamas is not a terrorist government.


“Abbas is on his way to becoming a professor of terrorism,” said Danon, adding, “After denying the Holocaust in his doctoral thesis, he now claims that Hamas is not a terrorist organization.”


The PA Chairman, added Danon, “Seems to have forgotten that after the elections in Gaza, Hamas threw members of Fatah off the roofs of buildings. He forgot for that the Hamas’s stated goal is to destroy Israel, he forgot that the entire world defines Hamas as a terrorist organization.”


Thus we are dealing with Abbas who is a slippery anti-Semite


The has this on that thesis which reads:



Mahmoud Abbas’s thesis: Zionists were Nazi allies

The Other Side: the Secret Relationship Between Nazism and Zionism, by Mahmoud Abbas – Feb. 15, 1984





PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’s thesis, “The Other Side: The Secret Relations between Nazism and the Leadership of the Zionist Movement” (Translation by Wiesenthal Center):

      “A partnership was established between Hitler’s Nazis and the leadership of the Zionist movement… [the Zionists] gave permission to every racist in the world, led by Hitler and the Nazis, to treat Jews as they wish, so long as it guarantees immigration to Palestine.”


It would be hard to spin a bigger lie. This is the mark of Antisemitism to judge Zionist activists in this lying manner. It is a big lie because these activists were operating in a situation where the Nazi Party had the power of the state in their very hands. That is the biggest Antisemites in the world had the state power and Zionist activists were operating inside that context.


So Zionist activists had to travel into Germany of the 1930s and in some way try to deal with the Nazis in order to extract whatever Jews they could from the death camps.


That is the method of the Antisemite, to extract it out of that historical situation.


Leon Trotsky who was without any doubt a great political friend of the Jewish people, and he was a Jew, warned of the great significance of the Nazis taking power in the spring of 1933. There is always a time when history is compressed into maybe just days and even minutes. The moment in 1933m that day, when Hitler was handed power in German was the key moment.


Leon Trotsky understood better than any other human being what that meant in general, and what it meant for the Jewish people in Europe.


By one way or another Trotsky (who himself was being hounded by Stalinism and Imperialism) advocated Jews getting out.


Trotsky thus would totally and unreservedly support those activists trying to extract Jews under NEAR IMPOSSIBLE CONDITIONS.


You can see where Abbas fits in with all of this. These activists were trying to rescue Jews. They were up against especially the Arab Palestinian Hajj Amin el Husseini who was in Berlin and who was exercising great power, and who was wanting the Nazis to speed up the killing in the death camps.




This throws the spotlight on The Oslo Syndrome, those Jewish leaders who have been selling Abbas, just like Bush and the Canadians, as a man of peace.


Abbas just as much as Hamas is out of the Nazi Holocaust.


Fascists like this cut and trim, and so it is no surprise that Abbas is now referring to the Holocaust as a crime, and that is designed simply for the US public man and woman.


Just remember Hitler too was not a stupid man but quite a clever man tactically speaking.


E very minute and every hour of every day that has went by since this PA decision to join Hamas is a betrayal by Netanyahu, yes and by Danon too.


Words are totally useless in these actual situations. There comes a time to ACT.


One Action is worth in these minutes millions of words. Words are a distraction in fact.


Israel needs to ACT and the number of words needed to explain that ACTION can be reduced down to perhaps ten words no more. Vladimir Lenin said in a critical month of world history, Bread Land Peace and meant those 3 words.


Now action followed by such as “Arrest Abbas Arrest Hamas, Occupy their ground they stand on” just as that was the words and actions of Brian Boru against the Danes in Ireland 1014…there always comes a moment for action because ever since the time of our forerunner Practice is Primary, thought follows practice, do not led the academics who have a stake in misleading us confuse us on that.


The situation is totally critical. By being besotted by words the Israeli ruling elites, and I really include all of the bloggers in this as well, are running the danger of defeating the Jews comprehensively. These day and weeks and maybe a few months are critical, BUT THERE IS NOT UNLIMITED TIME


Consequently despite the most difficult personal circumstances I want to be part of a conference which must initially be somewhat on line, but no less physical. A conference of emergency action and I will be writing to various people to ask their advice on this score, mostly people I have disagreed with but still as people I see as being in the same trench


A person I knew called Dan Bielek once talked about Israel, paralysis and Stockholm’s Syndrome. The Oslo Syndrome by Levin is also relevant.


I do not think that these leaders can snap out of it. There needs to be a new leadership. To have a new leadership there must be a discussion and the discussion must be brought to the Jewish youth of Israel, because not totally but in general only youth can actually forge or adopt a new way of living or working politically. But at least the discussion… the best will of whatever age respond…


Israeli leaders are paralysed over Abbas joining with Nazis in Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

These are issues that show the extreme crisis of Israeli and Jewish leaders. As is well known and even reported today by Ted Belman of Israpundit they sat down, Bennett on one hand, the Livni capitulationist branch on the other and Netanyahu hovering in the middle and decided…to do nothing at all because to say they withdrew from the talks…well there were no talks. (!!!)


Caroline Glick also has got it when she remarks that you have to admire the utter arrogance of Abbas, applying to all these UN bodies and to the Hague Court etc. while joining hands with the No 1 war criminals in the world, Hamas and Islamic Jihad. So Jews like Glick, and a thousand other bloggers and genuinely concerned wannabe Jewish leaders know that they are about to be screwed good and proper, and that they have no leadership at all to meet the crisis (which is in essence a crisis of leadership) but I am dammed if they ever speak about leadership or think of building an alternative party. Oh do not worry though Francisco Gil White has been given a special welcome tour of Judea and Samaria by Women in Green so in about 3 years time we can expect another article from the Professor. Well I’ll be dammed! Is the present Jewish movement carried along on a wave of hot air, pious talk and fatalism?


Yet it seems so obviously clear. Abbas the great “peace” man has joined the Nazis of Hamas and Islamic Jihad, surely a time for ACTION


This action must necessarily mean as great urgency the arrest of PA leaders and the placing of Abbas on trial, the arrest of Islamic Jihad and Hamas leaders, the offer of money to leave to Arab Palestinian families and a new life elsewhere where they can be able to break from Islam and Antisemitism which is hardwired into Islam, the break from US Imperialism and the banning from Israel of evil politicians like Kerry, the creation of alliance with Antifascists as in Ukraine where Jews and Israel MUST support Putin against US and NATO Imperialism. In all of these things Gil White, Belman, Glick, they are all diversions because they do not DO anything along this road, really the road to revolutionary socialism (because the root cause is capitalism moving into Fascism) where the Jewish religion can be defended and protected for the first time in 4000 years actually!




Yesterday I claimed that in the face of Abbas Hamas pact that the Israeli leaders, all of them, were paralysed. How sadly true that was. Interviewed by BBC Antisemites Netanyahu was on the defensive. Netanyahu used the word “peace” 20 times. But unfortunately it is war.


Netanyahu is a creature of US Imperialism and if Jews are not careful the whole of the Israeli struggle for a Homeland is going down the same road. It is a life and death struggle now to create a new leadership which can break from the past. In this real and material world who cares about acceptance by capitalist nation states all of which are being driven (like Spain) towards Fascist rule once again. Who cares, really?


Yet Netanyahu will NOT fight the Americans. The US said at first (yesterday) that Abbas joining Hamas was not a nice thing to do, but this morning 24 hours later America was calling for a “compromise” to be reached. Who has to compromiso? The Jews. That is the same as asking Jews as they were marched into the Nazi concentration camp to compromiso!!! Hamas and Abbas ARE the Nazis in modern form.


The Islam enemy of the Jews now Abbas and Hamas has called war and America calls compromise. America wants Jews to compromise, as in 1939 at the gates of Auschwitz


But America that is Kerry were not seeking compromise this morning when they were declaring war on Russia over Ukraine. When will this hypocrisy ever be ended.


On all of these issues Israeli and Jewish leadership is bankrupt. They can DO nothing and will do nothing. Jewish leadership is a total danger to the Jewish people on all of its fronts.


Here I kid you not. Just yesterday the Jewish so called blog called Israpundit gang of violent Fascists were focussed (at this time) on driving off Israpundit a Christian man who this gang of fascists had labelled an Antisemite. This particular Christian has the same policy more or less as Martin Sherman in that he calls for Arabs to be induced to leave with lump sum payment. So he is an asset to the Jews. But the gang of Israpundit were driving him off AND OTHERS with repeated slurs of him being an Antisemite.


It is just an expression of the crisis, no more tan that. Groups and individuals that have sprung up around the Jewish movement have to be questioned on every single issue of programme and policy. But when they start throwing the label “Antisemite” around that is a real danger sign.


The situation needs urgently a revolutionary socialist Trotskyist Party. This will go back into the 1930s and to the analysis which Leon Trotsky was making against Stalinism and against Fascism. How to defeat Imperialism? How to stop Fascism? How to save Jews from Antisemitism? The fight against Stalinism and the legacy of Stalinism! The fight for principle! Opposition to isolationism  and the struggle for a principled Trotskyist Party in these conditions of world capitalist crisis.


First of all American diplomats like Kerry must be banned from entering Israel.


The forces of this Fascist movement which we can label as “Palestinianism” must be smashed. This means the immediate arrest of the PA leadership and as el Sisi did with Morsi Abbas must be placed on trial for his crimes. Join forces with el Sisi to smash hamas totally, and executing all its leaders all of whom have murdered Jews. But take possession of both gaza and Sinai.


The politics of Caroline Glick must be opposed down the line—I would say on everything and here I disagree with Martin Sherman…I say oppose her on everything! There can be no living at all with Arabs in the Jewish homeland and rather than that Jews have to protect themselves from this form of Antisemitsm. Glick proposes to make them citizens…what a horror show that is and what a horror show is Glick!


Israel has to be far less reliant on these international capitalist governments. Israel is far too intent on business. Fight for principle. Israel must now urgently create an Alliance with those Russians in Ukraine who are fighting Fascism and fighting NATO. Israel must state that the Kiev regime must be overthrown and as an immediate action Russia must move into East Ukraine with all its force to stop these murders of antifascist fighters as happened yesterday…five murdered by the Fascists. But Israeli leaders say not a Word…a horror show for Jews. People are fighting Fascism and Jews are silent as the grave!


And so on. Name any issue and Israeli leaders are totally useless and worse downright dangerous for Jews.


Above all créate a party which will fight in concrete form for principle. This is 4international and we do have a definite programme of theory and action which is rooted inside the great history of Trotskyism. So far it is a free world. join us if you have the courage to act rather tan talk…Felix Quigley


Netanyahu is only going through the motions. He opposes in words Abbas joining with Hamas but will do or is doing nothing about it whereas it calls for most stringent action. Netanyahu is thus not that much different if at all from the US Imperialist Government that is also threatening Russia with NATO and Nuclear War. I predict that all Jewish leaders including bloggers will be shattered also by this crisis. They have hardly a thing to offer except words.


Abbas has been offered everything by the Israelis. He has been given his state through OSLO. he has been offered the presentation of Abbas as moderate as opposed to the “Horrible” hamas. Abbas has amassed riches.Palestinian Arabs have grown rich ad have been building huge mansions in Judea and Samaria. meanwhile Jewish children starve from hunger in Israel. These things are never talked about by right wing capitalist Jews so called “patriots”.


Nothing absolutely nothing has come out of the Jerusalem Posts conference in New York last week and of martin Shermans presence there. These types of Jews are paralysed and carried along only on their own Word power. As I said in a previous article there is not ONE political leadership that can take the Jewish people forward. Instead of that what there is is a Handy line in communism hatred, Lenin hatred, Trotsky hatred. I have no space here but will go into this aspect of Judaism today later when I come to assess the sad descent of Israpundit blog under Ted Belman where a fascist type clique now holds sway. As befits the síndrome Belman is paralysed surely a favourite attribute of the Israelis today.


Of course there are immediate responses to the PLO joining Hamas. First of course is to take over Judea and Samaria. But so deep are the ailments that this cannot be a récipe for anything. Needed is to stop all aid to Palestinian Arabs, of all kinds, especially to any organisation connected with the PA. All aid must be stopped by the Israeli Government and consider that lorries still cross from Israel to Gaza…unbelievable. And much more but who will do it that is the central and very much to bee focussed on question? This throws into focus the position of Francisco Gil White and Women in Green as reported on INN. They can call for all they like but who will do it…these are typical pressure groups and do not cannot resolve the issue of leadership.





These are minimum and immediate tasks which must be carried out. BUT BY WHOM? AS I ASKED WHERE IS THE POLITICAL LEADERSHIP TO DO THIS?


it must be emphasised that no Israeli group or leadership including these pressure groups like Women in Green will take any step towards this. They will talk yes. But adapt themselves to the Israeli state machine which is counter revolutionary against Jews.


4international asks directly what is the political programme of Jewish Leadership towards Iran Nuclear?

The world is facing an amazingly complex and uttterly dangerous situation as the pages of any serious political blog will show (not only


These are key issues:


The economic crisis which means that youth unemployment is unsolvable within capitalism. This is also causing mass movements of people such as from Africa to Europe

The growth of Antisemitism and the way that this growth in Antisemitism is disguised by hatred of Israel

The issue of Iran and the danger of extreme Islam producing a Nuclear Bomb


The issue of Israeli leadership is a different issue because this is an issue that can be resolved through building new leadership. The question is to find agreement in doing that.


On the face of it, therefore, the immediate danger of Iran stockpiling enough enriched uranium for a nuclear bomb is over and a sigh of relief should now follow US Secretary of State John Kerry’s warning to a Senate committee a week ago that Iran had enough enriched uranium to start building a bomb within two months.

That being the case, the military option for curtailing the Iranian nuclear threat should be set aside and the six world powers and Tehran can resume their negotiations on May 5 for putting the final touches on a comprehensive accord for finally putting their nuclear controversy to rest.   

But only on the face of it: This scenario ignore Tehran’s duplicity and conveniently passes over the sudden spurt in Iran’s production of low, 5-percent grade enriched uranium and the covert smuggling of the surfeit to the Parchin military facility of near Tehran for its secret upgrade to 20 percent, a level which can be rapidly enriched to weapons grade.
So with one hand, Tehran has reduced its low-grade enriched uranium stocks, but with the other, has smuggled a sizable quantity of those stocks for further enrichment to a facility barred to nuclear watchdog inspectors.

debkafile’s intelligence sources reveal that 1,300 kilos of low-grade material has been transferred to Parchin and 1,630 advanced centrifuges have been installed there for rapid upgrade work.
Whenever the IAEA applied for permission to inspect the facility in the past three years, it was fobbed off with the pretext that Parchin was strictly a military base which did not host any nuclear activity. It therefore did not qualify for international inspection.’s-Arak-“deal”-–-cover-up-for-1-300-kg-enriched-uranium-smuggled-to-Parchin-for-secret-upgrade


The question now is what is the position of all Jewish leadership towards this situation in Iran?


I ask directly what is the political programme to meet this situation?


4international has immense pleasure in reproducing the stirring and not too son call from a jewish student in america for international hasbara. we support his call fully


Modern King David Fighting the USA Campus Goliath

Sunday, April 13th, 2014

On Shabbat I read a disturbing open letter in the Jerusalem Post and decided to blog about it. Unfortunately, it’s not one of the op-eds on their site. After a mercifully quick Google search, I found it someplace else.

An open letter to the FM By Justin Hayet

Dear Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman and the entire Netanyahu government,

I asked you, Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman, a question this Sunday at the Jerusalem Post’s Annual Conference in New York. My question, I thought, was simple; “What is the Foreign Ministry of Israel doing to stand with college students, like myself, to fight BDS [Boycott, Divest, Sanction] on campus?”

Your response was nothing but loaded rhetoric downplaying the existential BDS threat and downplaying the attacks against me on my campus for being a Zionist. Perhaps worst of all, you downplayed the anti-Semitic attacks on students across the United States, Europe and soon the world. These attacks exist because we are proud Zionists.

You should have responded with a big fat “nothing,” because the Foreign Ministry of Israel has decided to focus its attention elsewhere. Though it may be more practical to allocate time and resources elsewhere, in doing so, Israel is taking a risk it cannot afford to take. By focusing all of its energy on its adversaries, many of whom will never recognize Israel either on a map or as a Jewish state with a right to exist, Israel is putting the passion of North American Zionists, many of whom are Jews and many of whom are not, on the back burner. This, I believe, is of a greater existential threat than a nuclear-ambitions Iran.

I was not born in Israel. I was not born in an Israeli home in American. I am a Jewish American. But before I am anything, at the most fundamental level of my existence; like Foreign Minister Liberman, like Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, like every soldier my age in the IDF, I am a Zionist. And you, Mr. Foreign Minister, overlooked the fact that, unlike Israelis, I and the thousands of students made the active decision to fight for Israel, a country which has redefined and challenged our perception of what “home” really means.

Though five thousand miles away from Israel, we awake to Israel each morning as we flinch our eyes to see the Israeli flag hanging in its infinite blue beauty above our beds. We do so with pride. Israel is with us as we wake to see the news from the past day in Israel as we slumbered in our secure beds in upstate New York. Though not wearing a Magen David every day, we carry our Zionism on our backs each day, and people try to slander us for it as if “Zionism” is a dirty word.

We are the lost unit of the IDF Spokesman’s Office, we are the story of SUNY (State University of New York) students who stayed up until 5 a.m. to watch the victorious fight against BDS resolutions at UC Berkeley, we are the students who laughed off the libelous labels of being called “imperial genocidal maniacs” by a paid employee of our university. And we carry out these increasingly routine acts of educated-backed passion, not because we are in contract with Israel to do so or because we want accolades; we do it because we are Zionists. Contrary to those closed-minded individuals who say Zionists must live in Israel, the movement of young college students in the States fighting for Israel represents the very core of Zionism. That is, young people doing incredible things for the State of Israel.

You have given us MASA, you have contributed to the founding of Birthright-Taglit and this was your gift to us. We, now, have a gift for you, Mr. Foreign Minister and Mr. Prime Minister. Its called hasbara (public diplomacy). It’s free, it’s our duty, it’s our calling, it’s our obligation and it’s our gift to you and the Jewish state and the flag we awake to every morning. What do you think?



Zionism is a great movement and we salute this callby this Young American Jew. Also it is a great call in many respects but in one respect above all others. To fight for Israel you do not have to be IN Israel. Israel in one of its respects is a refuge for Jews against Antisemitism but it is simply not accurate to say that Jews internationally are int he same position that Jews were in in 1939 in Germany and Poland. Some religious Jews are saying that at this momento in time in Europe and America it is already all over and it is too late to fight for Israel and to fight against Antisemitism. Forgive me1 I was not aware! Has a Fascist Party already taken power in America and done away with Congress? Are trade unions and all other parties other tan the Fascist Party banned and its leaders in concentration camps? I answer do not be ridiculous! Bit the answer is also based on history. In 1939 the Nazis were already in power for 6 years. the critical year in the Nazis taking power was without a doubt 1933 and I am led to the conclusión that if there had been a clear leadership in the German working class, and not the leadership of the Stalinist Comintern and the Second International (Tony Blair Labourites) in power, then the Nazis would have been stopped in 1933. But where do Young Activists like Justin Hayet go from here? To answer that question it is necessary to have a far better understanding of the political programme of Hayet and that is now an urgent necessity.


The picture shows a child with gun in hand with implication that the Palestinian Arabs have right on their side


On how to combat what is in essence antisemitic propaganda by Arab Palestinians, by Martin Sherman

After all, Israel is not maligned in international forums because it is accused of having poor medical care, shoddy irrigation systems, underdeveloped technological achievement, unattractive women, backward agricultural practices or uninviting tourist attractions.

Accordingly, focusing on dispelling such assumed “misconceptions” is hardly likely to stem the tide of vicious vilification of Israel and the Zionist vision of a sovereign nation-state for the Jewish people in its ancient homeland.


I turn first of all to a definition of what is BDS which is from Wilipedia

Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) is a global campaign[1] which uses economic and political pressure on Israel to comply with the stated goals of the movement: The end of Israeli occupation and colonization of Arab land, full equality for Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel, and respect for the right of return of Palestinian refugees.[1],_Divestment_and_Sanctions


The first quotation is from martin Shermain on BDS from the Jerusalem Posts Conference last week held in New York. Note 1 on the second quotation above brings us to “Marcelo Svirsky (28 October 2011). Arab-Jewish activism in Israel-Palestine. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. p. 121. ISBN 978-1-4094-2229-7. Retrieved 3 June 2013.


That makes it very clear what BDS is all about. To emphasise A…The end of Israeli occupation and colonization of Arab land, B… full equality for Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel, and C…respect for the right of return of Palestinian refugees


Let me consider these 3 points in more detail A… the idea that Israel is occupying Arab land is ridiculously easy to answer in full in a very short period of time if the issue is approached from a sincere historical narrative perspective B… by asking what is an Arab-Palestinian citizen of Israel when every Arab country has expelled its Jews and set up Judenfrei states which again can be done in a very short period of time, especially if one bases the research on the ties between the Arabs and the Nazis in the Holocaust and finally C…again in simple historical terms a people, that is the Arabs, with their Arab Palestinian component wage genocidal wars following the Holocaust and inspired by Genocide of the Jews then they have no rights of any kind. I repeat NO RIGHTS


It follows therefore in this analysis by 4international that Martin Sherman is on precisely the right track


Martin is saying basically that the enemies of Israel and Jews are choosing their ground. So they are not attacking Israel (sarcasm follows) because Israel is supplying many new pioneering methods for curing people of all races from cancer. No these enemies are not stupid. They shun these many good qualities of Israel like the plague. They chose the 3 above which I have simplified into A, B and C


Indeed I will write more on this, specifically on why Martin Sherman cannot spur Israel into action. This is the serious flaw int he praxis of Martin which also must be examined, but I want to first dwell on the truth of the above, that answering these Antisemitic memes is not rocket science.








I have sent this email to a radio host called Pippa Jones of Talk Radio Europe

“In a radio programme 2 weeks ago, in an interview with a Pakistani writer, you said that Islamist rule in Spain was a good thing ad that the Christian King and Queen did a very bad thing in expelling the Moors. So consider the following since you are a woman and ask yourself where do you stand. Place this into google to find the source. There needs to be an urgent debate over your support for the role of Islam in Spain a la Karen Armstrong…Felix Quigley


“Allah’s Apostle once said to a group of women : ‘I have not seen any one more deficient in intelligence and religion than you. A cautious, sensible man could be led astray by some of you.’ The women asked: ‘O Allah’s Apostle, what is deficient in our intelligence and religion?’ He said: ‘Is not the evidence of two women equal to the witness of one man?’ They replied in the affirmative. He said: ‘This is the deficiency of your intelligence’ … ‘Isn’t it true that a woman can neither pray nor fast during her menses?’ The women replied in the affirmative. He said: ‘This is the deficiency in your religion.’


In the interests of historical truth it is important to consider urgently this question…Islam in Spain


I have found in the Reading that I have done that there can hardly have ever been any other place on earth and in the history of man on earth than the Islamic rule in Spain. It is not that they were better or worse tan the Nazis but they clearly in their extreme cruelty laid the basis for the Nazis


As part of this debate we on are publishing some very informative articles and the following is one:


(begin article fron Atlas Shrugs on Islam here)




Muslim lies consecrated in glossy new 1150-page Princeton encyclopedia

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“The Encyclopaedia of Jewish-Muslim relations from their origins to the present day” and the more modest English version, published by Princeton, promises to be the official academic encyclopedic bible (quran?) of Islamic revisionism and historical inaccuracy according to the sharia.

The great Islamic lies are being given serious treatment by serious quisling academics. Lies and distortions with gravitas, my friends. The bloody and brutal history of Islamic Jew-hatred is scrubbed with an iron brush. Brainwashing 4.0.

Won’t Sir Martin Gilbert be surprised by this vicious rewrite of history? Academics like him will be jailed at some point, if this adherence to the savage sharia continues.

One has to wonder how much the sniveling  12-member scientific committee that approved the outrageous lies pimped themselves out for.

A perplexing rewriting of history, Lynn Julius, Times of Israel, April 16, 2014

Maimonides, the great medieval Jewish thinker and physician, is famous for his Guide for the Perplexed. But readers of a glossy new 1150-page encyclopedia in English and French will be equally perplexed by accounts of Maimonides’ life that can’t even agree on the correct year of his birth.

The joint editors are a Tunisian professor at the university of Nanterre (Paris), Abdelwahab Meddeb, and Benjamin Stora, a Jewish professor of North African history and author of a history of the Jews of Algeria. The two men have been touring France, North Africa, Israel and Belgium promoting the encyclopedia.


“The Encyclopaedia of Jewish-Muslim relations from their origins to the present day” was launched in November 2013. There is a more modest English version, published by Princeton.

Critics such as the authority on Sephardi Jews, Professor Shmuel Trigano, have charged that the encyclopedia is nothing but a work of propaganda. It is all the more insidious because so much money has Screen Shot 2014-04-16 at 7.54.17 PMbeen spent on its promotion. Unusually for a book, the encyclopedia has a website all to itself and was the subject of a TV series on the French channel Arte.

Among the sponsors are The Alliance of Civilisations, a front for the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, whose task is to change the ‘narrative’ by promoting the Spain of the Three Religions, the Andalusian Golden Age, and so forth.

Professor Trigano wrote:

An incredible publicity and ideological campaign is underway in France. Its target is world public opinion by way of the Jews, and more specifically Sephardi Jews – sorry, ‘Arab Jews’.

Dr. Rudi Roth, a mathematician and computer scientist who lives in Belgium, has spent hours combing through the Encyclopaedia, finding errors of omission and commission. He has contacted dozens of scholars and academics for their comments.

“It’s astonishing,” he says, “that an Encyclopaedia purporting to be precise and accessible, overseen by a 12-member scientific committee and more than one hundred contributors from the world’s top universities, contains major errors of fact and is sloppily edited.”

The encyclopedia variously lists Maimonides’ date of birth as 1135 or 1138 (the latter date is correct). Nowhere is it mentioned that his father was a Talmudic scholar, a mathematician and astronomer. On the other hand his son Abraham, like his father a physician and philosopher, is described as a Jewish ‘sufi,’ influenced by ‘Islamic mysticism.’

Aged 10, Maimonides was forced to leave his native Cordoba to escape the Almohad invasion. These were a tribe of fanatical Muslims who massacred Jews in Seville in 1147 and sought to forcibly convert Jews and Christians in Spain. But Maimonides’ flight is described as ‘an emigration.’ The family’s 12 years of wandering through Spain as it escaped persecution are passed over in silence. Arriving in Fez, Morocco, Maimonides was compelled to convert to Islam to spare his life. “It was only for appearances’ sake,”, claims Mercedes Garcia-Arenal on page 143. Yet when he later rose to become head of the Jewish community in Cairo, Maimonides came under suspicion both from Muslims and Jews for living as a ‘converso.’

In his famous Epistle to the harassed Jews of Yemen (c.1172), Maimonides proffers advice. But Yehoshua Frenkel’s entry in English makes no mention of the persecution which the Yemenite Jews suffered. Similarly, no mention is made that Maimonides himself fled to Akko to escape Muslim persecution.

Maimonides died in Fostat (Old Cairo) in 1204, but Suzan Youssef (pps 1005 – 13) insists that he was also buried there. Yet historians are unanimous that his tomb is located in Tiberias.

Apart from the minimising of Jewish links with the land of Israel, Dr. Roth has identified inaccuracies and omissions that exaggerate Arab Muslim influence in culture and science while downplaying the Jewish contribution.

For instance, the academic Gad Freudenthal writes in the entry about Algebra: “Some fields of mathematics remained totally unknown to the Jews, such as Algebra.”

Dr. Roth has found at least four Jewish mathematicians missing from the encyclopedia: Savasorda (Abrahim bar Hiija al Nasi (1070 – 1136)), author of the earliest Arabic Algebra written in Europe; Abraham Meir ibn Ezra (1092 – 1167); Levi Ben Gherson (1288 – 1344) and Ibn Yahya al Maghrebi Al Samawal (1130 – 1150). Oddly enough, Freudenthal himself wrote a book about Gherson.

Also missing are events such as the 1033 pogrom of Fez, the earliest known pogrom of the second millennium.

As far as Arab collaboration with the Nazis is concerned, Dr. Roth accuses Henry Laurens, the author of the two pages on the Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin Al-Husseini, of minimizing his role. There is no mention, says Roth, of the pro-Nazi Palestinian leader Fawzi al Qawuqj, or the Mufti’s broadcast calls for genocide on Radio Berlin, nothing on the Mufti’s creation of the SS Handschar division staffed by Bosnian Muslims, nothing about the part he personally played in condemning 20,000 European Jewish children to the death camps, and nothing about the Mufti having contact with the Nazis as early as 1936.

Regrettably, the Encyclopaedia is typical of the politicization of the study of Islam and its treatment of non-Muslims. Young minds are being brainwashed by a sanitized version of history with a huge promotional budget – replete with distortion, minimization and omission. Are we going to sit back and let it happen?

– See more at:


We will call it from now on the Party of War or the “War Party” and everybody will know. This is what the United States has becomem from a haven for liberty to the Party of War against its own American people and against all freedom lovers world wide. The Party of War maintains great friendship though with the Muslim Brotherhood (Morsi)


Hannity/Fox had a large segment tonight.


Those Fed’s no longer deserve our respect, they are becoming Fascist Stormtroopers.

 I wonder if they realize what kind future they are bringing to their children and family.

(a comment on Gates of Vienna)


In Nevada the War Party sent its Feds down to the Bundy Ranch where there was a dispute on grazing rights. The Bundies are probably not native Americans (sarcasm)


BUT AT THE SAME TIME the US, their Fascist underlings in the Ukraine Kiev takeover merchants, Germany and Putin gathered  in order to avoid war.


They reached an agreement in order to try to avoid war which could be a nuclear war.


The ink was not even dry when within minutes of the agreement Obama was polluting the air with his threats again against Putin and Russia  “You better carry this out and if you don’t there will be trouble!” kind of thing


Yes the Party of War. Against its own American citizens and against World Peace because…


There is a total crisis in world capitalism. Many are saying that the whole economy of the world is like a deck of cards liable to collapse at any momento with unbelievable amounts of CREDIT splashing around


This superstucture is totally unstable and this gives great ímpetus to the drive to dictatorship. The good people of America who travelled to support the Bundys at their ranch know this as well. They also fear the Party of War.


4international calls for the reléase of general Mladic fromt he Hague Court and the Hague Prison and we call on all class conscious workers and youthm and also all Jewsm to support us in this calle.


The war on the Serbs was a major link up between US and EU Imperialisms with the Jihad against the Christians. This trial against Mladic is the result of that.


Over next weeks 4international will be publishing articles on this Jihad against the Serbs and the role of the British and US Imperialists in helping the Islamist extremists in Bosnia under Izetbegovic. These are the real war criminals. Racak and Srebrenica are part of the Big Lie technique used in so many countries by the US and EU Lie Machine


The following article by the BBC is part and parcel of the same. The BBC state as fact that Srebrenica “happened” but the research carried out by 4international indicates that it was all part of the Big Lie and that it did not “happen”.


(start BBC article here)


Ratko Mladic trial blocks move to drop genocide charges

Mladic in court Ratko Mladic says the charges against him are ‘monstrous’

Judges at the trial of former Bosnian Serb army chief Ratko Mladic have rejected arguments for dropping the most serious charges of genocide.

Mr Mladic faces 11 charges, including genocide and crimes against humanity, dating to the 1992-95 Bosnian war.

He is specifically accused of a hand in the massacre of more than 7,000 Bosniak men and boys at Srebrenica – Europe’s worst atrocity since World War II.

Mr Mladic denies all charges and has denounced the UN tribunal as “satanic”.

At the session on Tuesday, the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia ruled that there were still good grounds to try Mr Mladic on two counts of genocide.

The charges relate to the killings at Srebrenica, and to the expulsion of the Muslim Bosniaks, Bosnian Croats and other non-Serb populations in a wartime campaign that came to be known as “ethnic cleansing”.

Lawyers for Mr Mladic had argued that there was not enough evidence linking him to the most serious of the crimes.

However, Judge Alphons Orie said “that the accused has a case to answer on all counts”, citing material presented by prosecutors, including video footage of Mr Mladic calling on revenge against the Muslims of Srebrenica.

Mr Mladic is also charged in connection with the 44-month siege of Sarajevo during which more than 10,000 people died.




The following is a full report of the anniversary of the Boston Bombing by Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs

Biden and Obama have no right to say anything on this Anniversary because the whole of the American Obama Government with a great deal of cross party and Republican help to Jihad. It was Jihad which carried out this bombing and the only way to commemorate this sad event is to help Young people to understand what is Islam and what is Jihad

It must be noted that Putin and the Russians sent across to America more than enough information to have arrested these deadly brothers, and to have had the closest watch placed upon them.

How to understand what is the Jihad? First of all Islam must be understood historically and the lies of people like Karen Armstrong, the ex-nun, must be challenged. Islam in Spain is presented by Armstrong and many other people as a Paradise of multiculturalism. That is not at all what I have found int he Reading I have done. Secondly the role of Jihad today. This is very important because it links in with capitalism in its rapid moves towards Fascism (see articles on Ukraine)

Thanks to Pamela Geller for this information. She is best placed to understand.



Boston, Biden and Obama mark first anniversary of marathon bombing with denial of reality


Screen Shot 2014-04-15 at 3.26.17 PMOne year after devout Muslims bombed the Boston Marathon and killed women and children and wounded hundreds, Boston “paid solemn tribute” today to the victims of the Boston bombing. But as is shown by the banning of Ayaan Hirsi Ali at one of the city’s leading universities and the city’s refusal to run AFDI’s counter-jihad ads, Boston has not yet faced what really happened there one year ago today.

President Obama said, “One year later, we also stand in awe of the men and women who continue to inspire us…..” Standing in awe of innocent people who were casualties in a jihad attack is meaningless. Nothing is said of the ideology that compels this war on freedom. Obama’s empty rhetoric was rivaled by that of his vice president: “We are America, we own the finish line.” What the hell does that even mean? Hey Biden, they bombed the finish line.

Even after people are blown to bits on an American city street, we still refuse to discuss the enemy. We are further back now than we were before 9/11.

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“Boston marks first anniversary of marathon bombing,”  Times of Israel,  April 15, 2014

Boston paid solemn tribute Tuesday to the victims and survivors of the marathon bombings that traumatized the northeastern US city and stunned the nation one year ago.

Three people were killed and more than 260 others wounded when two pressure cooker bombs detonated near the finish line of the city’s famous marathon on April 15, 2013.

The attacks were allegedly carried out by two brothers of Chechen descent who had lived in the United States for years.

Vice President Joe Biden attended a tribute at the Hynes Convention Center just steps from the scene of the attack in the heart of the city of nearly one million.

Songs and orchestral music were interspersed with speeches and thanks to emergency workers and memories of the dead.

Former mayor Tom Menino, who was in office at the time of the attack, addressed the heartache of those who lost loved ones and people’s struggle to recover.

“This day will always be hard but this place will always be strong because we gather here today… to stand for the people in a city we love with all of our hearts,” Menino said at the ceremony.

There will be a moment of silence at 2:49 pm, the time when the first bomb exploded, and then church bells will toll across Boston.

In Washington, US President Barack Obama is to observe a moment of silence privately with aides in the Oval Office at about the same time.

Obama sent thoughts and prayers to those struggling to recover, and paid tribute to the “incredible courage and leadership of so many Bostonians in the wake of unspeakable tragedy.”

 “We offer our deepest gratitude to the courageous firefighters, police officers, medical professionals, runners and spectators who, in an instant, displayed the spirit Boston was built on — perseverance, freedom and love,” he said in a statement.

 “One year later, we also stand in awe of the men and women who continue to inspire us — learning to stand, walk, dance and run again. With each new step our country is moved by the resilience of a community and a city.”

 The two pressure-cooker bombs sent metal fragments flying through the crowd. Several of the wounded lost limbs.

 Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, who is now 20, and his 26-year-old brother Tamerlan were identified thanks to pictures and video footage and eventually cornered by police after a four-day manhunt that paralyzed the city.

 Tamerlan died after an exchange of fire with police, and Dzhokhar was wounded and captured. The younger Tsarnaev, a naturalized US citizen, will go on trial in November and could face the death penalty if convicted.

Biden, Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick and current Boston mayor Martin Walsh were also to speak at the tribute.

There will be a flag-raising ceremony and a moment of silence will be observed at the race’s finish line.

This year, the Boston Marathon — which has been run since 1897 — will take place on Monday, April 21.

Organizers have allowed thousands more runners to register — from about 27,000 in recent years to 36,000 this year, not far off the record 38,708 who entered in 1996 in the 100th marathon.

 Security has been bolstered in the wake of the attacks, with more police on the streets, a “no-bag policy”, and glass bottles and large containers of any kind banned from the area.

The Tsarnaev brothers allegedly hid the explosive devices in backpacks.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has pleaded not guilty to 30 federal charges related to the bombings, including 17 serious charges that can carry sentences of death or life in prison.

The charges include using a weapon of mass destruction resulting in death, as well as conspiracy and bombing of a place of public use resulting in death, and carjacking.

Tsarnaev is also charged in connection with the fatal shooting of a campus police officer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology during the brothers’ wild getaway attempt.

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    can’t cross the “finish line” of their administration soon enough and end the catastrophe. And that goes doubly for the moronic John Kerry who at a meeting with Turkey’s mass murdering prime minister (he was probably behind the gassing in Syria) likened the IDF commandos who in self-defense killed pro-Hamas jihadists aboard the Mavi Marmara to the Boston Bombers.

  • Nick Cameron

    Obama is the most disgusting traitor in American history.

  • Betty4440

    IF I had a family member to die that day. and knowing Biden and or obama were going to be there there would be an uprising. I don’t think it was a good thing they are both liars and they have the gall to show there face. in their hearts are praising what happened they are heartless they have already showed that.

– See more at:


4international…It is the historical crisis which is driving these relentless attacks on Russia for many reasons but these are the obvious ones

  1. Russia is the home of the first and only workers revolution and the first step by Lenin and Trotsky towards Socialism (a world socialist commonwealth)
  2. Russia is a land of great commercial (for capitalism) potential. Every gallon of oil and gas pumped by Russia to the outside is like a splinter in the hand of the US and British Imperialists. They thought that was their role
  3. Russia has been greatly weakened by the crimes of Stalin and Stalinism so the US see themselves as on a winner. The US does like soft targets
  4. Putin is not a socialist or communist, in part he is a Stalinist but far more he is a strong national leader. His steadfastness in defending Russia is his strength. That is why the US Imperialists as described here seek to destroy Russian nationalism. This is what has been happening in Ukraine.
  5. This article makes one great and unforgettable point which is: that these US Government forays towards what could end in world Nuclear War are driven not by “Neo-Cons” but by the whole of the US State, with support right across the Democratic and Republican “divide” in fact the whole of the US ruling clique with the great American people and their traditions of liberty silenced by a corrupt Media. The “NeoCons” argument so beloved by western liberals is finished.


“Meet the Americans…” is a great article and every class conscious worker and youth must read it. Every Jewish person also should read this because the Fascism of Hitler and the Nazis is not one of the Great Religious Mysteries. We understand very well its origin in a capitalist system in the insoluble crises of the 1920s and 1930s. The very same people like Samantha Power are also trying to destroy Israel as they are trying to destroy Russia.



(start article here)

Meet The Americans Who Put Together The Coup In Kiev—Chapter and Verse


by Contributor • April 7, 2014


by Steve Weissman, Reader Supported News




If the US State Department’s Victoria Nuland had not said “Fuck the  EU,” few outsiders at the time would have heard of Ambassador Geoffrey  Pyatt, the man on the other end of her famously bugged telephone call.  But now Washington’s man in Kiev is gaining fame as the face of the  CIA-style “destabilization campaign” that brought down Ukraine’s  monumentally corrupt but legitimately elected President Viktor  Yanukovych.


Ray McGovern,  who worked for 27 years as an intelligence analyst for the agency, mocks –



“Geoffrey Pyatt is one of these State Department high  officials who does what he’s told and fancies himself as a kind of a CIA  operator.


He tells Democracy Now that –



It  used to be the CIA doing these things. I know  that for a fact.“


Now it’s the State Department, with its coat-and-tie  diplomats, twitter and facebook accounts, and a trick bag of goodies to  build support for American policy.


A retired apparatchik, the now repentant McGovern was  debating Yale historian Timothy Snyder, a self-described left-winger and  the author of two recent essays in The New York Review of Books – “The Haze of Propaganda” and “Fascism, Russia, and Ukraine.” Both men speak Russian, but they come from different planets.


On Planet McGovern – or my personal take on it –  realpolitik rules. The State Department controls the prime funding  sources for non-military intervention, including the controversial National Endowment for Democracy (NED), which Washington created to fund covert and clandestine action  after Ramparts magazine and others exposed how the CIA channeled money  through private foundations, including the Ford Foundation. State also  controls the far-better-funded Agency for International Development  (USAID), along with a growing network of front groups, cut-outs, and  private contractors. State coordinates with like-minded governments and  their parallel institutions, mostly in Canada and Western Europe.  State’s “democracy bureaucracy“  oversees nominally private but largely government funded groups like  Freedom House. And through Assistant Secretary of State for European and  Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland, State had Geoff Pyatt coordinate the  coup in Kiev.


The CIA, NSA, and Pentagon likely provided their  specialized services, while some of the private contractors exhibited  shadowy skill sets. But if McGovern knows the score, as he should,  diplomats ran the campaign to destabilize Ukraine and did the hands-on  dirty work.


Harder for some people to grasp, Ambassador Pyatt and  his team did not create the foreign policy, which was – and is – only  minimally about overthrowing Ukraine’s duly elected government to  “promote democracy.” Ever since Bill Clinton sat in the Oval Office,  Washington and its European allies have worked openly and covertly to  extend NATO to the Russian border and Black Sea Fleet, provoking a badly  wounded Russian bear. They have also worked to bring Ukraine and its  Eastern European neighbors into the neoliberal economy of the West,  isolating the Russians rather than trying to bring them into the fold.  Except for sporadic resets, anti-Russian has become the new anti-Soviet,  and “strategic containment” has been the wonky word for encircling  Russia with our military and economic power.


Nor did neoconservatives create the policy, no matter  how many progressive pundits blame them for it. NED provides cushy jobs  for old social democrats born again as neocons. Pyatt’s boss, Victoria  Nuland, is the wife and fellow-traveler of historian Robert Kagan, one  of the movement’s leading lights. And neocons are currently beating the  war drums against Russia, as much to scupper any agreements on Syria and  Iran as to encourage more Pentagon contracts for their friends and  financial backers. But, encircling Russia has never been just a neocon  thing. The policy has bi-partisan and trans-Atlantic support, including  the backing of America’s old-school nationalists, Cold War liberals,  Hillary hawks, and much of Obama’s national security team.


No matter that the policy doesn’t pass the giggle  test. Extending NATO and Western economic institutions into all of a  very divided Ukraine had less chance of working than did hopes in 2008  of bringing Georgia into NATO,  which could have given the gung-ho Georgian president Mikheil  Saakashvilli the treaty right to drag us all into World War III. To me,  that seemed like giving a ten-year-old the keys to the family Humvee.


Western provocations in Ukraine proved more  immediately counterproductive. They gave Vladimir Putin the perfect  opportunity for a pro-Russian putsch in Crimea, which he had certainly  thought of before, but never as a priority. The provocations encouraged  him to stand up as a true Russian nationalist, which will only make him  more difficult to deal with. And they gave him cover to get away with  that age-old tool of tyrants, a quickie plebiscite with an unnecessary  return to Joseph Stalin’s old dictum once popular in my homestate of Florida: “It’s not the votes that count, but who counts the votes.”


Small “d” democrats should shun such pretense. Still,  most journalists and pollsters on the scene report that – with the  exception of the historic Tatar community – the majority of Crimeans  want to join the Russian Federation, where they seem likely to stay.


Tensions will also grow as the US-picked interim prime  minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk – our man “Yats” – joins with the IMF to  impose a Greek, Spanish, or Italian style austerity. Hard-pressed  Ukranians will undoubtedly fight back, especially in the predominantly  Russian-speaking east. According to Der Spiegel,  a whopping three quarters of the people there do not support the coup  or government. What a tar patch! A domestic conflict that could split  Ukraine in two will inevitably become even further embroiled in the  geo-strategic struggle between Russia and the West.


On Planet Snyder, as in most Western media, these  realistic considerations make absolutely no difference. Ideology rules,  masked as idealism. Fine sounding abstractions fill the air. Ukrainians  are making their own history. They are acting with great courage. They  are seeking the rule of law and their rightful place in “European  Civilization.” They are defending “sovereignty” and “territorial  integrity.” Russians remain vicious. Big bad Vlad is the new Hitler. He  is seeking his own Eurasian empire (as opposed to NATO’s), which could  soon include parts of Moldova, Belarus, and Kazakhstan that the West  needs like a “lok in kop,” a hole in the head. And those watching  in the West must abandon what Snyder calls –



“our slightly self-obsessed  notions of how we control or don’t control everything.”


The professor proclaims,



“It was a classic popular revolution. An undeniably popular uprising against “an unmistakably reactionary regime.“


Writing in The Nation, Professor Stephen Cohen shreds Snyder’s argument.  My concern is more pointed. Popular uprisings deserve our support or  opposition depending on who comes to control them and to what ends. As  McGovern puts it,



“The question is: Who took them over? Who spurred  them? Who provoked them for their own particular strategic interests?”


Detailed evidence provides the answers. For all the  courage of the Ukrainian minority who took to the barricades, US  Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt and his team spurred the protests in Kiev and  exercised extensive – though never complete – control over them.  Tactically, Pyatt and his fellow diplomats showed unexpected skill.  Strategically, they should have stayed home.


Revolution on Demand


Arriving in the Ukrainian capital on August 3, Pyatt  almost immediately authorized a grant for an online television outlet  called Hromadske.TV, which would prove essential to building the  Euromaidan street demonstrations against Yanukovych. The grant was only $43,737, with an additional $4,796 by November 13. Just enough to buy the modest equipment the project needed.


Many of Hromadske’s journalists had worked in the past  with American benefactors. Editor-in-chief Roman Skrypin was a frequent  contributor to Washington’s Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty and the US-funded Ukrayinska Pravda. In 2004, he had helped create Channel 5 television, which played a major role in the Orange Revolution that the US and its European allies masterminded in 2004.


Skrypin had already gotten $10,560 from George Soros’s International Renaissance Foundation (IRF), which  came as a recommendation to Pyatt. Sometime between December and the  following April, IRF would give Hromadske another $19,183.


Hromadske’s biggest funding in that period came from the Embassy of the Netherlands, which gave a generous $95,168. As a departing US envoy to the Hague said in a secret cable that Wikileaks later made public,



“Dutch pragmatism and our similar  world-views make the Netherlands fertile ground for initiatives others  in Europe might be reluctant, at least initially, to embrace.”


For Pyatt, the payoff came on November 21, when President Yanukovych pulled back from an Association Agreement with the European Union. Within hours  Hromadske.TV went online and one of its journalists set the spark that  brought Yanukovych down.


Snyder writes –



“Enter a lonely, courageous Ukrainian rebel, a leading  investigative journalist. A dark-skinned journalist  who gets racially profiled by the regime. And a Muslim. And an Afghan.  This is Mustafa Nayem, the man who started the revolution. Using social  media, he called students and other young people to rally on the main  square of Kiev in support of a European choice for Ukraine.”


All credit to Nayem for his undeniable courage. But  bad, bad history. Snyder fails to mention that Pyatt, Soros, and the  Dutch had put Web TV at the uprising’s disposal. Without their joint  funding of Hromadske and its streaming video from the Euromaidan, the  revolution might never have been televised and Yanukovych might have  crushed the entire effort before it gained traction.


For better or for worse, popular uprisings have  changed history long before radio, television, or the Internet. The new  technologies only speed up the game. Pyatt and his team understood that  and masterfully turned soft power and the exercise of free speech,  press, and assembly into a televised revolution on demand, complete with  an instant overdub in English. Soros then funded a Ukrainian Crisis Media Center “to inform the international community about events in Ukraine,” and  I’m still trying to track down who paid for Euromaidan PR, the website  of the Official Public Relations Secretariat for the Headquarters of the  National Resistance.


Orange Revolution II


Preparing the uprising started long before Pyatt  arrived in country, and much of it revolved around a talented and  multi-lingual Ukrainian named Oleh Rybachuk, who had played several key  roles in the Orange Revolution of 2004. Strangely enough, he recently  drew attention when Pando, Silicon Valley’s online news site, attacked journalist Glenn Greenwald and the investor behind his new First Look Media,  eBay founder Pierre Omidyar. Trading brickbats over journalistic  integrity, both Pando and Greenwald missed the gist of the bigger story.


In 2004, Rybachuk headed the staff and political  campaign of the US-backed presidential candidate Victor Yushchenko. As  the generally pro-American Kyiv Post tells it, the shadowy Rybachuk was Yushchenko’s “alter ego” and “the  conduit” to the State Security Service, which



“was supplying the  Yushchenko team with useful information about Yanukovych’s actions.”


Rybachuk went on to serve under Yushchenko and Tymoshenko as deputy  prime minister in charge of integrating Ukraine into NATO and the  European Union. In line with US policy, he also pushed for privatization of Ukraine’s remaining state-owned industries.


Despite US and Western European backing, the  government proved disastrous, enabling its old rival Yanukovych to win  the presidency in the 2010 election. Western monitors generally found  the election “free and fair,” but no matter. The Americans had already  sowed the seeds either to win Yanukovych over or to throw him over,  whichever way Washington and its allies decided to go. As early as  October 2008, USAID funded one of its many private contractors – a  non-profit called Pact Inc. – to run the “Ukraine National Initiatives  to Enhance Reforms” (UNITER). Active in Africa and Central Asia, Pact  had worked in Ukraine since 2005 in campaigns against HIV/AIDS. Its new  five-year project traded in bureaucratic buzzwords like civil society,  democracy, and good governance, which on the public record State and  USAID were spending many millions of dollars a year to promote in Ukraine.


Pact would build the base for either reform or regime  change. Only this time the spin-masters would frame their efforts as  independent of Ukraine’s politicians and political parties, whom most  Ukrainians correctly saw as hopelessly corrupt. The new hope was “to  partner with civil society, young people, and international  organizations” – as Canada’s prestigious Financial Post later paraphrased no less an authority than Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.


By 2009, Pact had rebranded the pliable Rybachuk as “a civil society activist,”  complete with his own NGO, Center UA (variously spelled Centre UA,  Tsenter UA, or United Actions Center UA). Pact then helped Rybachuk use  his new base to bring together as many as 60 local and national NGOs  with activists and leaders of public opinion. This was New Citizen, a non-political “civic platform” that became a major political player. At the time, Pact and Soros’s IRF were working in a joint effort to provide small grants to some 80 local NGOs. This continued the following year with additional money from the East Europe Foundation.


Rybachuk explained to the Kyiv Post that



“Ukraine has been united by common disillusionment. The country needs a more responsible citizenry to make the political elite more responsible.”


Who could argue? Certainly not Rybachuk’s Western  backers. New Citizen consistently framed its democracy agenda as part of  a greater integration within NATO, Europe, and the trans-Atlantic  world. Rybachuk himself would head the “Civil Expert Council” associated with the EU-Ukraine Cooperation Committee.


Continuing to advise on “strategic planning,”  in May 2010 Pact encouraged New Citizen “to take Access to Public  Information as the focus of their work for the next year.” The coalition  campaigned for a new Freedom of Information law, which passed. Pact  then showed New Citizen how to use the law to boost itself as a major  player, organize and train new activists, and work more closely with  compliant journalists, all of which would seriously weaken the  just-elected Yanukovych government. Part of their destabilization  included otherwise praiseworthy efforts, none more so than the movement  to “Stop Censorship.”


Rybachuk – a media expert” as well as civic activist – told the Kyiv Post in May 2010,



“Censorship is re-emerging, and the opposition is not getting covered as much. There are some similarities to what Vladimir Putin did in Russia when  he started his seizure of power by first muzzling criticism in the  media.”


One of Rybachuk’s main allies in “Stop Censorship” was  the journalist Sergii Leshchenko, who had long worked with Mustafa  Nayem at Ukrayinska Pravda, the online newsletter that NED publicly took credit for supporting. NED gave Leshchenko its Reagan  Fascell Democracy Fellowship, while New Citizen spread his brilliant  exposés of Yanukovych’s shameless corruption, focusing primarily on his  luxurious mansion at Mezhyhirya. Rybachuk’s Center UA also produced a documentary film featuring Mustafa Nayem daring to ask Yanukovych about Mezhyhirya at a  press conference. Nothing turned Ukrainians – or the world – more  against Yanukovych than the concerted exposure of his massive  corruption. This was realpolitik at its most sophisticated, since the US  and its allies funded few, if any, similar campaigns against the many  Ukrainian kleptocrats who favored Western policy.


Under the watchful eye of Pact, Rybachuk’s New Citizen  developed a project to identify the promises of Ukrainian politicians  and monitor their implementation. They called it a “Powermeter” (Vladometer), an idea they took from the American website “Obamameter.” Funding came from the US Embassy,  through its Media Development Fund, which falls under the State  Department’s Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor. Other money  came from the Internews Network,  which receives its funding from the State Department, USAID, the United  States Institute of Peace (USIP) and a wide variety of other government  agencies, international organizations, and private donors. Still other  money came from Soros’s IRF.


New Citizen and its constituent organizations then  brought together 150 NGOs from over 35 cities, along with activists and  journalists like Sergii Leschchenko,  to create yet another campaign in 2011. They called it the Chesno  Movement, from the Ukrainian word for “honestly.



“Its logo was a garlic bulb,  a traditional disinfectant widely believed to ward off evil. The  movement’s purpose was “to monitor the political integrity of the  parliamentary candidates running in the 2012 elections.”


This was a mammoth project with the most sophisticated sociology.  As expected, the Chesno monitoring found few honest politicians. But it  succeeded in raising the issue of public integrity to new heights in a  country of traditionally low standards and in building political  interest in new areas of the country and among the young. The  legislative elections themselves proved grim, with President  Yanukovych’s Party of the Regions taking control of parliament.


What then of all New Citizen’s activism, monitoring,  campaigning, movement-building, and support for selective investigative  journalism? Where was all this heading? Rybachuk answered the question  in May 2012, several months before the election.


He told Canada’s Financial Post



“The Orange Revolution was a miracle, a massive peaceful protest that worked. We want to do that again and we think we will.”


He Who Pays the Piper


Rybachuk had good reason for his revolutionary  optimism. His Western donors were upping the ante. Pact Inc.  commissioned a financial audit for the Chesno campaign, covering from  October 2011 to December 2012. It showed that donors gave Rybachuk’s  Center UA and six associated groups some $800,000 for Chesno. PACT,  which regularly got its money from USAID, contributed the lion’s share, $632,813, though part of that came from the Omidyar Network, a foundation set up by Pierre and his wife.


In a March 12th press release,  the network tried to explain its contributions to Rybachuk’s Center UA,  New Citizen, and the Chesno Movement. These included a two-year grant  of $335,000, announced in September 2011, and another $769,000,  committed in July 2013. Some of the money went to expand Rybachuk’s technology platforms, as New Citizen explained.


They wrote



“New Citizen provides Ukrainians with an online  platform to cooperatively advocate for social change. On the site, users  can collectively lobby state officials to release of public  information, participate in video-advocacy campaigns, and contribute to a  diverse set of community initiatives. As a hub of social  justice advocates in Kiev, the organization hopes to define the nation’s  ‘New Citizen’ through digital media.”


Omidyar’s recent press release listed several other  donors, including the USAID-funded Pact, the Swiss and British  embassies, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, the  National Endowment for Democracy, and Soros’s International Renaissance  Foundation. The Chesno Movement also received money from the Canadian  International Development Agency (CIDA).


Figures for fiscal year 2013 are more difficult to track. Washington’s shows USAID paying PACT in Ukraine over $7 million under the general  category of “Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance.” The data does not  indicate what part of this went to Center UA, New Citizen, or any of  their projects.


What should we make of all this funding? Some of it  looks like private philanthropy, as back in the days when the CIA  channeled its money through foundations. Was the Soros and Omidyar money  truly private or government money camouflaged to look private? That has  to remain an open question. But, with Rybachuk’s campaigns, it makes  little difference. USAID and other government funding dominated. The US  Embassy, through Pact, coordinated most of what Rybachuk did. And, to my  knowledge, neither Soros nor Omidyar ever broke from the State  Department’s central direction.


Strategic Containment, OK?


When Ambassador Pyatt arrived in Kiev, he inherited  Pact and its Rybachuk network well on its way to a second Orange  Revolution, but only if they thought they needed it to win integration  into Europe. That was always the big issue for the State Department and  the Ukrainian movement they built, far more telling than censorship,  corruption, democracy, or good governance. As late as November 14,  Rybachuk saw no reason to take to the streets, fully expecting  Yanukovych to sign the Association Agreement with the European Union at a  November 28-29 summit in Vilnius. On November 21, Yanukovych pulled  back, which Rybachuk saw as a betrayal of government promises. That is  what “brought people to the streets,” he told Kyiv Post. “It needed to  come to this.”


Euromaidan would become a “massive watchdog,” putting  pressure on the government to sign the association and free trade deal  with the EU, he said.



“We’ll be watching what the Ukrainian government  does, and making sure it does what it has to do.”


That is where the State Department’s second Orange  Revolution started. In my next article, I’ll show where it went from  there and why.


I have often wondered why on radio and televisión I have never heard organisations like the BBC ever refer to “Jihad”. What is going on? Why is this Word kept out of the discourse?


In an introduction to an article the BBC makes it clear that they take the Karen Armstrong approach to Jihad and Islam:


The literal meaning of Jihad is struggle or effort, and it means much more than holy war.

Muslims use the word Jihad to describe three different kinds of struggle:

  • A believer’s internal struggle to live out the Muslim faith as well as possible
  • The struggle to build a good Muslim society
  • Holy war: the struggle to defend Islam, with force if necessary

Many modern writers claim that the main meaning of Jihad is the internal spiritual struggle, and this is accepted by many Muslims.

However there are so many references to Jihad as a military struggle in Islamic writings that it is incorrect to claim that the interpretation of Jihad as holy war is wrong.

Jihad and the Prophet

The internal Jihad is the one that Prophet Muhammad is said to have called the greater Jihad.

But the quotation in which the Prophet says this is regarded as coming from an unreliable source by some scholars. They regard the use of Jihad to mean holy war as the more important.


Notice 3 lines up that the BBC uses this expression “the Prophet”. This may seem a small point but is a real giveaway! This figure is not the prphet say of Buddhism. Yet he is always given universal significance which is exactly also the teaching of islam.


So direct instruction as Robert Spencer shows is given to editors through their journalistic authorities.  What are the roots of this? Is it a left wing thing as the BBC is often accused of being “left wing”?


I have uncovered an article on the net which deals with Karl Marx, obviously the founder of “Marxism”, and there is this paragraph:


While defining Islam, Marx himself did put down on paper, “Der Islam ächtet die Nation der Ungläubigen und schafft einen Zustand permanenter Feindschaft zwischen Muselmanen und Ungläubigen” (in German) and its English translation states, “Islam ostracizes the nation of the unbelievers and creates a state of permanent enemyship between the moslems and the unbelievers.”




The new “Islam For Journalists” whitewashes jihad

By on Apr 11, 2014 at 8:25am in journalistic bias   

islamforjournalistsThe “guide for journalists” about which I previously posted here tells outright lies about Islam, as is detailed below. It says, for example, that “in the Quran, men and women are equal,” when actually it says, “Men are in charge of women, because Allah hath made the one of them to excel the other…” (4:34) — and in the same verse directs men to beat disobedient women.

“The New ‘Islam For Journalists’ Whitewashes Jihad,” Investor’s Business Daily, April 9 (thanks to Pamela Geller):

Political Correctness: “Top academic experts on Islam” have issued new reporting guidelines for newsrooms to improve the “accuracy” of media coverage of Islam. The reference guide is little more than a whitewash.

Titled “Islam for Journalists: A Primer on Covering Muslim Communities in the U.S.,” the digital handbook is anything but accurate, sugarcoating jihad as a “positive” exercise — a “struggle for God.”

“It is inaccurate to use the term simply as a synonym for violence,” claims the guide, published by the Edward R. Murrow College of Communication.

It gets wrong one of the most important public issues of our time.

The 9/11 attacks were conducted in the name of jihad, along with virtually every homegrown act of terror since then. That’s because jihad, according to Islamic law, means to “war against non-Muslims.”

This is made clear in the English translation of the Quran by Abdullah Yusuf Ali, who is cited in the handbook. Ali defines jihad as “warfare,” adding that “believers will either conquer or die as martyrs in the cause.” It would help if the “experts” read their source material.

They also claim, outrageously, that the terrorist group Hamas opposes jihad, and that HIV/AIDS is a bigger threat than terrorism.

Their guide counsels reporters and editors against “amplifying fears of jihad.” Yes, we don’t want to report the obvious truth about what’s motivating the terrorists.

The handbook on Islam can’t even get simple facts straight. On Page 12, under “Fact: Islam is the fastest growing religion in the U.S.,” they say 2.6 million Muslims are in America; on Page 92, they say the number is 6 million to 7 million. Which is it?

Taking cultural relativism to new lows, the guide compares Shariah law — with its beheadings, amputations and scourgings — to Christianity. “Sharia is a religious code for living, in the same way that the Bible offers a moral system for Christians.”

What about Islam’s notorious oppression of women? Surely the feminists of academia wouldn’t gloss over that.

Yet the guide says “in the Quran, men and women are equal” and “men are instructed to support their wives in all respects.”

Right, except when it comes to matters of dress, marriage, divorce, child custody, inheritance, testimony, travel and most other basic human rights.

The Quran (4:34) instructs husbands to beat their disobedient wives. No mistranslation: Ali confirms “physical correction may be administered,” on Page 195 of his “Meaning of the Holy Quran,” which is featured in a companion video for the guide. Too bad the scholars didn’t bother to read it.

Instead, they left it up to the Council on American-Islamic Relations to interpret it for them so they in turn could “inform” us journalists. The Islamist group is cited as an expert source.

No wonder CAIR is pressuring colleges to stop airing the film “Honor Diaries,” which exposes Islam’s brutality of women. No wonder the journalist guide it blesses reads like 343 pages of Islamist propaganda.

Thanks, we’ll pass.


The new “Islam For Journalists” whitewashes jihad

el Sisi in Egypt against Morsi should be supported (critically)

As I understand it this is in no way an attempt to reform Islam. There is no “reformation” here. Islam is based on the words in the Quran and indeed cannot be changed or reformed in any way. So what is happening in Egypt under el Sisi is something different.


What many overlook is the historical perspective in relation to Fascism. As I understand Leon Trotsky on Fascism, Fascism was not some accidental development, but arose when the ruling capitalist class in any particular country moved away from forms of parliamentary democracy towards rule without parliament.


the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt took power by means of parliamentary elections but the great majority of Egyptians knew that Morsi was moving away from parliamentary democracy in order to introduce Sharia Law, which is a form of Fascism in our era.


So the mass of the Egyptian people rebelled against Morsi and that is the reason for the great popularity of el Sisi, not because el Sisi is a great democrat.


In any case this article by Israel National News is a good one on this subject


(start extract here)


Egypt Tries to Curb Brotherhood’s Influence Over Mosques

Egypt licenses thousands of state-approved clerics in a bid to stop places of worship from falling “into the hands of extremists.”
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By Elad Benari, Canada

First Publish: 4/11/2014, 11:40 PM


Muslim Brotherhood supporters at Cairo rally

Muslim Brotherhood supporters at Cairo rally

The Egyptian government has stepped up a campaign to curb Muslim Brotherhood influence over mosques, Reuters reported on Thursday.

The government said it has licensed more than 17,000 state-approved clerics to give Friday sermons to stop places of worship from falling “into the hands of extremists,” according to the report.

The military-backed authorities have been trying to bring mosques under tighter control since the army toppled Mohammed Morsi of the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood last July.

All of the newly-approved clerics have been trained at Al-Azhar University, which is a respected center of Sunni Islamic learning, and institutions run by the ministry of religious endowments, according to a statement issued by the prime minister’s office on Thursday.

“That is to strengthen the ministry’s supervision over all Egypt’s mosques so that they do not fall into the hands of extremists and the unqualified” and to prevent mosques being used for “party or sectarian” purposes, it said, according to Reuters.

Last September, the religious endowments minister said unlicensed clerics would be barred from delivering sermons at mosques – long a recruiting ground for Islamist parties.

The government statement said the ministry of religious endowments had taken “a big step” towards addressing a shortfall in “qualified preachers.”

Since Morsi’s ouster, more than 1,400 people have died in street clashes and thousands have been imprisoned. 

Hundreds of Islamists have been placed on trial and some already given death sentences, a move which was criticized by the international community.