I have watched the video of the elderly lady Beverly Young Nelson with Alred on Youtube
It is certainly a hoax. The best answer to this piece of garbage is the answer made by Judge Roy Moore himself. He simply pointed out a very short time to the election and he is 10 or so points in front.
There is the answer! The Fascist “deep state” is still in shock at the election of Trump.
These Fascists are also very worried because if things go as they are then more and more are going to end in jail for the embezzlement of huge funds of the taxpayer, Clinton and Obama being the first, but going very deep, such is the level of corruption.
The gravy train has not come to a stop with Trump but it threatens to come to a stop. Trump was always dangerous to them. The guy had made his money, was very rich, had more than enough, refused to take a salary as President, so was NOT corruptible.
My personal opinion the same from the beginning…THAT is what scared them.
Plus Trump was a nationalist while Soros is totally an “open door” hater of nation.
Why now? That is the biggest reason for suspicion. Why not a month ago before the primary!
I am a true Trotskyist. Fighting to build a Trotskyist leadership. Must be based on truth not subterfuge.
Will have more on this card. Our old friend Thomas Wictor who did work on Qana has been looking at this card.
Finishing off with the answer last night of Judge Moore to press in Alabama…
Judge Moore says to press
“Speaking to reporters at a news conference in Alabama, Republican U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore said today’s allegation that he attempted to rape Beverly Young Nelson when she was 16 years old was “absolutely false.”
Moore said, “I want to make it perfectly clear, the people of Alabama know me, they know my character, they know what I have stood for in the political world for over 40 years. I can tell you without hesitation this is absolutely false. I never did what she said I did. I don’t even know the woman. I don’t know anything about her. I don’t even know where the restaurant is or was.”
He added, “If you look at this situation, you will see, because I am 11 points—or 10 or 11 points—ahead, this race being just 28 days off, that this is a political maneuver and it has nothing to do with reality. It all about politics.” “


The which is opposed to Trotskyism is slandering the Catalan movement and is getting behind this position …the writer Robert is a member and is supported in this by the leaders of this Trotskyist opposed movement.
Robert writes…”What is required with the disintegration of European capitalism and the breakup of the EU is not a retreat to capitalist fiefdoms. This is bankrupt and leads to a blind alley. What needs to be brought forth is a fierce denunciation of the crackdown of the Spanish state, and a clear, independent policy that cuts a path forward for the international working class where they can see their future.” end quote
Robert backed by the wsws is calling Catalonian independence a “capitalist fiefdom”
“Socialist” words but deeply reactionary policies!

If you want to check see


Trump probably knows nothing about the Catalan nation and so would have been better to hold his tongue. But he should know and so he should be backing Catalan Independence just as he should also be backing Kurdish Independence. The Spanish nation and the Catalan nation go back both a very long time. But what Trump is getting behind is just such a dreadful thing, with the Spanish Government taking decisions which are repressive on the Catalan people. In fact the Spanish and the Catalans must be united together against massive problems but that unity must come on the basis of equals. With equality comes friendship. It is a terrible tragedy that Trump takes this awful position



These are two key parties in this Catalonian Independence issue. In fact the Podemos and PSOE are refusing to support and back Catalan Independence.


The Podemos is a party which was created out of the struggles of youth against poverty and unemployment in areas of Spain like Madrid and Barcelona. Podemos is therefore connected to youth but the fact that Podemos does not defend and support the rights of this small nation to have its independence is a very bad sign for this newly created party.


In the meantime the PSOE is supposed to stand for “Labour” and is supposed to be the party of the workers and of the trade unions. But neither the Podemos or the PSOE is prepared to support and defend the Catalan Independence Movement.


They call themselves socialists but this is one thing they are not and after this can never be!


These parties seem not to understand the abc of socialism. It is necessary to have unity in the great struggles that face us, that means unity between the Spanish and the Catalan people, but that unity must come on the basis of both peoples being free and independent. So in reality rather than being socialist the PSOE and the Podemos stand against the very central principles of socialism.


The issue is the 40 year old Constitution. This was set up by trickery, of lawyers, on a trusting population. At the centre of that Constitution was the betrayal of the Stalinists led by Santiago Carrillo.

Everything today centres on this iniquitous Constitution. Article 155 states…

“1. If a Self-governing Community does not fulfil the obligations imposed upon it by the Constitution or other laws, or acts in a way that is seriously prejudicial to the general interest of Spain, the Government, after having lodged a complaint with the President of the Self-governing Community and failed to receive satisfaction therefore, may, following approval granted by the overall majority of the Senate, take all measures necessary to compel the Community to meet said obligations, or to protect the above mentioned general interest.

2. With a view to implementing the measures provided for in the foregoing paragraph, the Government may issue instructions to all the authorities of the Self-governing Communities.”

Behind this article is the armed force of the state. This is what is being put into place. They are ready to act. They were ready to act right after Puigdemont spoke and cleverly and understandably fought for some time. But the reality that the 1978 Constitution was not the end of Franco but the continuation of Franco rules all politics in Spain today. That is the realisation that has to be fought for, a concrete issue to place in front of all workers and youth, not general dogma supposedly “Marxist” being continually repeated like a mantra.

The forces operating now against the Catalans are the army fresh from places like Afghanistan, the national fully armed police drafted into Catelonia in huge numbers, the spies, the navy in the Port of Barcelona, the air force in which king Felipe was so close to, with help there also from the British Royals I bet, and do not forget two other forces ranged against the Catalans, one being the agents provocateur and the Media of Spain spinning the strokes of the agents provocateur, and we have to ask has there ever been a range of forces like this ranged before against a small and unarmed population, with peace in their hearts and pacifism as their only weapon. This makes the action of the British against the Dublin GPO Rebels of 1916 pale in comparison.

Brutal direct rule from Madrid of tiny Catalonia which surely brings to mind the 1916 Rebellion followed by the Black and Tans. Mariano Rajoy like the British Imperialists ordering the executions of the Dublin Rebels of 1916 has signed the warrants of the Catalonian fighters for independence (what a great crime to fight for the independence of your ancient land! (sarcasm)

And make no mistake about it Rajoy is leading from the front the new Spanish Black and Tans.

All these ruffians are hiding behind the totally iniquitous 1978 Constitution which was brought about by the subterfuge of rotten lawyers

At a very different time 40 years ago. When these lawyers played on the great relief felt among the Catalans and others that the old dictator who was like a plague on their ancient culture had departed the earthly scene.

Rajoy and the King are the resurgence of the old dictator in our 2017 world. Their weapon is that 1978 Constitution.

They were more far seeing than us. We must give them that. They knew what they were doing in 1978. Pretending that Francoism was gone the 1978 Constitution went to sleep for 40 years but emerges right now as the way back to Fascism.

Yes some can say that the Catalans did sign for that 1978 Constitution but they signed not knowing that this evil thing was going to be their future jailer. The chains to bind the Catalans to slavery. Surely if the Catalans had known that they were signing for the death of their nation they would never for a moment have even contemplated signing that odious document.

So this trickery on the part of their now obvious enemy has come back to attack the Catalan people.

it is obvious, very obvious, how the hatred is coming from one side, the side of Rajoy and the PP. The Catalans are filled with friendship. They did not wish to engage in savagery. As the hated Spanish black clad police gendarme struck their long black batons the brave Catalans raised ten fingers in the air and waved their fingers in the air. No guns in those fingers. No batons. Not even a stone. Just the youthful hopes of a youthful nation. Yes indeed the hatred is on one side only.

The decision of the Catalan leader to delay Independence of a couple of weeks to allow dialogue has had one very fruitful outcome. Such decisions are always debatable but this is not. The CUP were out of order absenting themselves at such a time! The forces behind Rajoy are shown to the whole world, and to us Irish and international workers, as being hateful people, hateful to the aspirations of the young Catalan nation. The other effect is that now there is no way back for Spain ever in Catalonia. That is finished forever thanks to Rajoy and his hateful answer to Puigdemont yesterday. Rajoy “pay your fine or end in jail in 5 days!” Just like the small time petty bourgeois that he is.

This is why true socialists must launch a campaign throughout the world to have class conscious workers and the whole of the true socialist movement stress true come to the aid of our dear brothers in plucky little Catalonia, just as the Irish Rebels of the GPO in Dublin 1916 were also plucky

What is important now is the concrete. Conscious focus on that evil 1978 Constitution. Carrillo was NOT a Communist, he was a Stalinist. Let everybody know and understand that.

The same Carrillo so central in that 1978 Constitution was also the man who had a big hand in recruiting for his evil Ramon Mercader who murdered Leon Trotsky in 1940 in Mexico.

The 1978 Constitution was the conning of a whole nation. Pretending to move on from Franco it was maintaining Franco. That is what has to be fought for in a concrete way not these odious generalities which add nothing to the defence of the Catalans, or anybody.




The Trotskyist position on the Catalan situation is that we as Trotskyists defend the right of small nations to secede and to declare themselves as independent.

The events of the past week have only made this position stronger.

This is very like the 1916 Rebellion of the Irish patriotic fighters (INCLUDING THE SOCIALIST CONNOLLY) who rose up in Dublin against the British Imperialist torturers of the Irish.

What has Spain and Rajoy done in the past week?

They try to stop voting basing all on the Stalinist created lie of the Constitution of 1978…by Stalinist created we mean the role of the Spanish Stalinists in Santiago Carillo and the old Stalinist murderers of the Civil War. That is how the Constitution of 1978 was created…by the Stalinist murderers,

They have moved a massive police and even military force against little Catelonia. Big business such as the hated banks have pulled out of the tiny country aiming to cripple it before it is even breathing. They have bussed masses in from all over the Peninsula in order to crush the Catalans in a mass demonstration. Fascists have roamed the towns and villages in a return to the days of the Franco Falange. The Media have made up lies against the Catalan leaders. The Media including the PSOE Media have made the Catalan leaders into hate figures. But the Catalans adopt pacifism in return to this hatred. Their answer to this brutality of Rajoy…they raise their ten fingers in the air and answer to Rajoy “Assasins!” To guns and brute force the Catalans are answering with pacifist thoughts and with hopeful ideas in their hearts.

So our Trotskyist movement takes its place with the Catalans who seek independence and we ask all class conscious Spanish workers and the youth in Catelonia AND Spain to join us in support for Catalan independence.

This WAS the position of Marx, Engels, Lenin and especially Trotsky. The latter Trotsky and Lenin supported the Irish in the 1916 Rising. Trotsky in the 1930s supported the Jews in their flight from the Nazi killing machine and supported the idea of a homeland for the Jews, which was to be Israel. That is the tradition we stand on in this movement and as long as there is breath in our bodies we will always stand for the oppressed against the oppressor.


I return to posting on 4international

This website has been loyal to me and I will be loyal in return.


Time has moved on and the vital issues concerning me today concern…


the new issue or word “globalism” against “nation”


the issue of “open door” or unrestricted immigration against rights of nation


leading into the Trump in some ways revolutionary development and definitely progressive leading to the Brexit phenomenon


the joining of the left of today such as wsws with Islam which is a compolete opposition also to Marxism and Trotskyism


The clear dangers to lifeanimalearth from the crisis in this capitalist system


thank you for reading more later

Felix Quigley


The last picture shows Kurds being executed by Iran. The Fascists “leftists” like David Icke are totally silent on the gay executions in Iran and are also full of hatred for the Kurds. Meanwhile Israeli Jews fight in solidarity with the oppressed Iranians

The Jews today are the great internationalists because they are forced to be. In the latest article from Martin Sherman’s Into The Fray series Sherman at the end of his article switched his focus to the suffering people of Iran under the Ayotallohs. He quoted an authority on this issue:


“In the words of Saba Farzan, a German-Iranian journalist and director of a Berlin think tank, published in The Jerusalem Post: “The Vienna deal bears a very grave danger for Iran’s civil society. Not only won’t we see their economic situation improve, but the regime will also have an incentive to abuse human rights more severely. A flood of cash is going into the pockets of this leadership.

It will be used to tighten their grip [on power] and to further imprison, torture and kill innocent Iranians.”


Martin Sherman of course agreed with this pointing out:


She is, of course, right and that is one of the greatest tragedies of the travesty concocted in Vienna last week.”


The political position of Sherman and many Jews today is in very strong contrast with the position of assorted “Leftists” who are better described as pro-Iran Fascists rather than any lind of principled socialists. I of course belong to the latter and will remain so because the capitalist system is in interminable crisis.


There is no defence from the likes of the ex-BBC man David Icke of the people of Iran suffering under the Fascist Regime, set up there in 1979 in a brutal counter-action by the Islamist Fascists against a very widespread revolution. The Fascists of Islam were organised and clear as to what they wanted while the left was confused by the Stalinist Tudeh Party and Revisionists like the SWP/WRP, who cast illusions in Islam as a “revolutionary” force that they could do business with. That message was political poison. The Tudeh Stalinists themselves (those who could not flee abroad) were physically eliminated. This left a situation where the progressive and revolutionary youth were left without a leadership of any kind. This immediately reduced these youth to isolated groups who fought bravely but were now facing the full power of the Islamist State which rapidly pulverized these groups one by one, murdering most.


I find it absolutely astounding but also very revealing that progressive Jewish people like Martin Sherman should in his article last week have opened his mind up to not only the plight of his own Jewish people of Israel (who are directly threatened with nuclear destruction – not an exaggeration these are the words of many [even countless] Iranian Fascist leaders over many years, literally thousands of anouncements which was documented partly by the ADL)




While these mouthy conspiracy theorists like Icke and numerous womens libbers and even Gay Groups are supporting these Iranian Fascists and have not a thought for the repressed youth and women in Iran


The Zionist Jews of Israel and abroad are turning their thoughts tot he dire plight that faces the defenceless people of Iran who oppose these brutal thugs.


Into the Fray: The Iran deal moronic, myopic, malevolent, mendacious]






(from Into the Fray: Israel’s lethal land-for-peace laureates by Martin Sherman)


First picture Daily Mirror, picture above Daily Mail. Therefore we know! the people do know! These forces of the Jihad are hammering on the door of Israel especially from the Sinai. The only way that Israel can survive this Jihad is by sharpening its own resources and the only resource it has really is the State of Israel. The article by Martin Sherman is essentially about sharpening that state as are my remarks which follow. Please read, comment and get involved.

Thus, Begin surrendered the entire Sinai Peninsula (won in a war of anticipatory self-defense) with all its strategic depth, mineral wealth and economic potential

This is a nutshell is the theme of this article by Martin Sherman on Jerusalem Post today. It is a masterly exposure of a deadly theme, that if you surrender land as strategic position to an enemyy you will rue the day.

This is a universal theme in world history. In the Brest Litovsk treaty the Bolsheviks having won the revolution in 1917 were forced to bow the knee and to accept huge cuts to their empire. But as the following passage makes clear Trotsky (Lev Davidovich) did so with eyes wide open, open more than most:


“The strongest, in a military sense, proved to be Germany, due to the power of its industries and due also to the modest rational character of these industries side by side with a time-worn, anachronistic political system. It was shown that France, largely because of its petty bourgeois economy, had fallen behind Germany, and even so powerful a colonial empire as England, because of the more conservative and routine character of its industries, proved to be weaker in comparison with Germany. When history placed the Russian Revolution face to face with the question of negotiating peace we were not in doubt that we would have to settle the bill for the three and a half years of war – unless the power of the international revolutionary proletariat should decisively upset all calculations. We did not doubt that in German Imperialism we had to deal with an opponent thoroughly saturated with the consciousness of his colonial power, a power which in the course of this war, has come so plainly to the fore.”


Sadly what characterises all of the patched up “agreements” that Israel has made with a deadly Islamist enemy have been characterised not with that broadness of vision which was so characteristic of those two quite unique leaders Lenin and Trotsky – but (sad to say) with extreme narrowness.


Thus these “agreements” such as that of Begin, Dayan re The Temple, or Sharon were not based at all on any real knowledge but rather on pious hopes and “humanitarian” posturing of the very worst kind.


There was a complete lacking in even basic knowledge of what was Islam.


This had the telling experience (in another important área of combat on this theme) of leading American Jewish figures campaigning on behalf of the Islamist Killers in Bosnia and Kosovo and attacking Milosevic on behalf of reactionary British, German, French and US Imperialists of NATO


(“Conversations with Elie Wiesel”…in which he claims Milosevic wanted to expel and torment the civilians etc. which was all lies and based on the US propaganda machine and fed by the Jihadist lies of the Izetbegovic Islamists in Bosnia)


Wiesel shows that just because you have gone through one experience does not mean that you have understood it. Wiesel was supporting the Jihad in Bosnia even though the leader of the Jihad Hajj Amin el Husseini had been an instigator and supervisor of the Nazi death camps. In which Wiesel had paid the price. But his knowledge weas partial.


Sheer blindness and ignorance rather than stupidity has been at the base of almost all of the moves Israel has made since its formation. In fact the same lacking in, and of,  real knowledge is very evident in the founders of Zionism, like Hess even on to Herzl.


But there was one very sober analysis made at a most early stage (1852), that of the much maligned Karl Marx, who wrote emphasising the central truth of the present Sherman article in discussion:


QUOTE”The Koran and the Mussulman legislation emanating from it reduce the geography and ethnography of the various peoples to the simple and convenient distinction of two nations and of two countries; those of the Faithful and of the Infidels.”

A very simple statement indeed! Yet when you bother to absorb its content you will soon discover that Marx has written all there is to write about Islam and that if armed with that then none of this Jewish land would have been handed to this enemy. Not by Begin! not by Sharon! Not by Dayan! And not by Rabin!


I find it absolutely mind boggling the kind of barbs directed against socialism by the so called anti-Jihadists of today. The fact is that the founders of socialism were more clear than anybody else as to what precisely was Islam.


In fact Lev Davidovich in his clear calls for Jews in the 1930s to make their way to Palestine and to set up their state there, and specifying Mohammedanism as the enemy, and that the Jews had to make their state defensible in that regard, showed he too understood Islam as had Marx.


Looking back it seems that the more people grow old the stupider they get.


If only the Jewish people had been allowed to look the statement of Marx on Islam straight in the face and took it for what it was. The sheerest warning arguably  ever made about the Fascist nature of Islam – then things would have been very different indeed and today’s warning article by Martin Sherman would not have been so necessary.


Nowadays there are so many paid agents who are presenting as “marxists” people like Chomsky who explicitly hates us, or whatever, and do everything positive to present Islam as progressive. And the Anti-Jihadists in the pay of the state department who litter the blogs do exactly that as well. It is “leftist” this and “leftist” that all the way to perdition.


As Martin Sherman says clearly in this article – the events of today are being caterpulted in an alarming manner. Events do not proceed in slow evolution but in “Darwinian leaps” as presented by David Jay Gould, and this applies in spades to the critical situation facing Israel.


Israel has always been in war since 1948 but now must prepare for critical war situation on a scale that dwarfs 1948 and 1967.


This calls for sharpening the weapon and the only weapon Jews have is the weapon of the state of Israel. It is the state which must be sharpened.


A new role will certainly be found for the patriot Bibi Netanyahu who will forever remain in our hearts for his pioneering struggle against Iran, and especially against the sponsor of Iran President Obama, in Congress on March 3 2015. He articulates ideas better than anyone I know. But the ideas articulated by Bibi must be formulated elsewhere. Weare in a qualitatively different situation. Indeed in a different world.


Consider the steps that must be taken and we can understand better the way to achieve them:



Be objective about Israel. What is it? Surely the Jewish Homeland. Only Jews can vote the the Knesset. The rest is nonsense.


That (the precious) Knesset of the Jews holds the power. Disband as of now the Supreme Court. Trust the Jews a great people to rule with firmness, wisdom and benevolence.


Place the Karl Marx understanding of Islam in front. No Muslims can live in the Holy Land. Islam is not Holy. Islam is an ideology of war on us all. We can though proceed in a humanitarian way here but with great firmness. Always with firmness to the strategic end which is no Muslims in the Holy Land!


Define the borders: They are Golan, Jordan Valley in fullest sense, the sense of Weismann on 3 january 1919 with support from no less than Feisal, border with Egypt having taken Sinai on defensive basis, and sea.


As for democracy that is a indeed the highest form of democracy in this case, which can only be defined as the democracy of preventing a new Holocaust of the Jews by defeating the Jihad.



Speaking in Hawaii yesterday, Carter (at Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore) (US Defence Secretary Ashton Carter) again called for an immediate halt to China’s land reclamation activities, which the US insists are for military purposes. He made clear that the US would continue its “freedom of navigation” operations to challenge China’s territorial claims.

“There should be no mistake about this,” Carter declared, “the United States will fly, sail, and operate wherever international law allows, as we do around the world.”

Yes we got the message. Has there ever been such arrogance. This surpasses even the aspirations of Hitler who was a mere schoolboy in comparision. Really! says it is a global crisis in capitalism and the world capitalist states are beginning now to fight each other for survival.

Every single thing is connected to this crisis and survival. It may not appear so because the truth is hidden by millions of Media words.

But we can say even by a superficial observing this fight is led by the US elites in combination with Europe, especially Britain, and they are also striking up a unity with Islam in the form of chaos -creating ISIS and with the powerful Jihadists of Khomeini Revolution Iran.

The system is both bankrupt and dangerous.

There is indeed a direct line between this posturing of US Carter against China and its actions in the Middle East where (to give only one example) Gadhafi was toppled in a situation where Gadhafi had indeed gotten control of the situation and was crushing the Jihadists, the US and Europe (with the connivance of the Stalinists in Russia and China) to eliminate Gadhafi.

In many ways those scenes of Gadhafi being sodomised by Jihadists are a central motif of our times and indeed lead directly into the barbarity of ISIS actions inIraq and Syria.

My conclusión not just the mad savages and barbarian dogs of ISIS are dangerous but the whole capitalist system is a very dangerous thing. Dangerous for humans. Dangerous for all life.

All of these things are connected because it is ONE world unitary system (of capitalism)

To the casual glance they are not connected. It requires a special science to understand their interconnectedness. This is not conspiracy. It is the opposite. It is the scientific understanding of reality.


A capitalist system in crisis tends to drive towards war: “”Our entire planet, its land and water areas … provide today the arena for a worldwide economy…Trotsky:

“This work has been accomplished by capitalism. But capitalism also compels the capitalist states to fight in order to subordinate this world economy to the profit interests of the respective national bourgeoisies…. [T]he objective meaning of the war consists in its destroying the existing national economic nests in the name of a world economy. But imperialism is seeking to solve this task … on the principles of an exploitation of world economy by the capitalist class of that victorious country which is to be transformed by the war from a great power to a world power.”
—War and the International, 1914


As true Trotskyists we naturally form a bond with patriotic Jews like Ayelet Shaked and with all Jews when they come under attack from Antisemitism because we take the Antisemitism directed against the Jewish State (the Antisemitism against the Jew 2015) and we know that Ayelet is opposed to the likes of the Ken O’Keefes and David Ickes of this world. This picture tells it all. O’Keefe was involved in the above where an Israeli soldier of the IDF is on the ground and is being battered with iron bars. How did he survive! Now just remember that the Israeli Government returned that ship Mavi Marmora to Turkey and that just incenses me. But I await to see what Shaked does actually propose to do on the issue of ilegal immigrants, on Arabs in Israel who hate Israel, on Arabs in Israel, on what is Israel, on issues like the need to close down “Breaking the Silence” and all such groups, and to make it all possible anyway to the immediate disbanding of the Supreme Court. I disagree immediately on the latter with Shaked. The Supreme Court is not to be reformed but to be eliminated.


It must be understood that Ayelet Shaked is Justice Minister because Netanyahu travelled to Congress in the USA to deliver a major attack on Obama on the basis not of internal Israeli issues but on a world issue – the existence of a Fascist Islamist Supremacist power (WHICH IS IRAN) armed with massive killing power in the shape of many Nuclear Bombs, indeed a Nuclear Programme. Now confused Jews on the right are wetting themselves in excitement thinking they have found their saviour in Shaked. I like Shaked better than many Israeli politicians but to say that Shaked has the answers – well I say wait and see. I want to see what she does. So far she has said nothing about what she will do with the Israeli Supreme Court when it is very clear that it must be abolished…like abolished yesterday

…and speaking of abolishing it at once how long has Shaked been in power and what is keeping her giving the Israelis the low down on her plans. When Vladimir Lenin returned to Russia from exile in April 2017 it took Lenin precisely 3 seconds to denounce the Kerensky Government! Leon Trotsky no different. So what is Shaked anyway in the sense of what is her political programme precisely and note I am totally bored with stuff like she is married to a pilot. Ayelet could be married to a dustman who cares!? And what is it that Israel now needs in order to win the fight against an Arab war which seeks its destruction and the killing of all Jews on earth. Is it the programme of Bennett or is it a really revolutionary nationalist programme? I wait more info to see how she faces up. I am already impatient! And I am already in disagreement with her and Bennett who may be??? mere echoes of Bibi in that they extend the vote in Israel to Arabs – very bad move indeed.

Felix Quigley is Irish and posts on the site and on facebook/felix.quigley. He is Trotskyist, materialist, and supports Israel as the national Jewish state where Jews can live UNMOLESTED.


The whole concept of a “Palestinian State” can only bring even more deaths and hardships to Jews and Arabs. There are many reasons why this is so but the main one is that the Arabs never wanted to make peace with the Jews BECAUSE THAT GOES AGAINST THE JIHAD OF ISLAM AND THE ISLAMIC KORAN OF MOHAMMED. That is the main reason. But there are others. Many people have shown by the use of maps that a Palestinian Arab state based on what they call the West Bank but is really Judea and Samaria cuts Israel almost in two and places that Palestinian State within miles of key Israeli installations including the main airport for Israeli travel – Ben Gurion airport. “Palestinian” Arabs following on the terrorism of the Irish Republicanism has always been ready to attack such places. This is leaving aside the fact that where they plan to put this Palestinian state sits on the most sacred land of the Jews – the land where the Jewish ancestors came to first about 2500 years before an Arab was Heard of. The Word “Palestinian” is as recent as post-1967. is a new site although still exists but we add one other reason for no Palestinian Arab state which is that we take the long and overall international view. Jews must be safe from Antisemitism. Therefore Jews must have a place on earth where they can live alone, others as guests willingly because they recognise that very Antisemitism, and that means no Palestinian Arab state threatening and also a new concept of those who live in Israel. Palestinian Arabs must be there as guests and willing Friends of Israel in order to ensure the security of the Jews. We are Marxists and non-Jews and that makes our position stronger not weaker.

This is also more or less what the great analyst Martin Sherman writes and we are united in a struggle to defend the Jews in this new dangerous period:

Its inherent implausibility was aptly albeit belatedly articulated by Maj.-Gen. (res.) Giora Eiland, former head of Israel’s National Security Council, who in 2009 correctly observed: “… the maximum that any government of Israel will be ready to offer the Palestinians…

is much less than the minimum that any Palestinian leader can accept.”

Detailed studies of Israel’s minimum security requirements, buttressed by precedent and prudent evaluation of the significance of recent developments in the Arab world, lead to one clear conclusion: Maintenance of Israel’s minimum security needs is incompatible with the establishment of a viable Palestinian state.

Which brings us to the ethical level: Continued pursuit of this fundamentally and fatally flawed formula will result in further failure, bringing more trauma and tragedy to both Jew and Arab.

It is precisely for this reason that further adherence to the two-state idea, as per the insistent behest of the Obama administration, is devoid of any moral value.

It is precisely for this reason that it must be resolutely resisted.

Endorsing Muslim-majority tyranny

Proponents of a the two-state principle can no longer claim, in good faith, the moral high ground. For we have seen what their preferred prescription has precipitated in the past; and we have a fair idea of what it will produce in the future.

They have no moral merits on their side. There is no moral merit in establishing what, almost certainly, will become a mega-Gaza on the fringes of Greater Tel Aviv, within mortar range of Ben-Gurion Airport and within tunnel reach of the Trans-Israel Highway (Route 6).

There is no moral merit in endorsing the creation of what, almost certainly, will rapidly become (yet another) Muslim-majority tyranny, the utter negation of the very values its advocates invoke for its establishment gender discrimination, gay persecution, religious intolerance, oppression of political dissidents.

There is no moral merit in supporting a policy that, almost certainly, will expose thousands of kindergartens in the Coastal Plain to the dangers that southern towns, villages and farms experience repeatedly due to the failed attempt to confer self-rule on the Palestinian-Arabs in Gaza.

There is no moral merit in promoting a policy that, almost certainly, would subject the Palestinian-Arab civilian population to the ravages of repeated retaliatory action the IDF would be compelled to take in response to the attacks against Israel’s civilian population/installations from the Palestinian-administrated territory as the Gaza precedent clearly foretells.

The moral imperative

A keen awareness of the futility and moral bankruptcy of the two-state paradigm has led me to propose what I call the “Humanitarian Paradigm” for the resolution (or rather dissolution) of the conflict with the Palestinian- Arabs, involving the generous funding of their voluntary relocation and rehabilitation in third-party countries.

I have been excoriated for daring to raise such a “monstrously unethical” initiative. But in light of the forgoing discussion, who really has the moral high ground? Those who promote the establishment of (yet another) Muslim-majority tyranny, with all the attendant detriments and dangers described above? Or those who advocate providing non-belligerent Palestinian individuals the opportunity to build a better life for themselves elsewhere, out of harm’s way, free from the cycles of death, destruction and destitution that have been brought down on them by the cruel, corrupt cliques that have them astray for decades.

After all, if proponents of the two-state principle find no moral blemish in advocating the funded evacuation of Jews to facilitate the establishment of an entity that would, in all likelihood, become a bastion of radical Islamist terrorism, what moral principle would cause them to shrink in horror at the suggestion of funded evacuation of Arabs from their homes, to obviate the establishment of such an entity? I leave the readers to ponder the question.

Martin Sherman ( is the founder and executive director of the Israel Institute for Strategic Studies (


Gabriel Sandler, along with father and brother, was killed in the shooting attack in Toulouse France in March 2012. The Der Sturmer man at Veterans Today Kevin Barrett says on the Richard Allen show that it was a false flag operation nd that these Jews are not dead at all but probably living in Jerusalem. It was a Mossad operation Barrett says. The British Jewish owner of Talk Radio Europe, a guy called Martin Nathan, enables this Der Sturmer material to be broadcast through Europe on his Talk Radio Europe radio show run by the associate of Kevin Barrett and David Icke Richard Allen. I urge Martin Nathan and Richard Tindesley to stop immediately doing this because they are greatly harming their fellow Jews.


Hebdo killers butcher cartoonists and butcher a Jewish Deli in Paris

Kevin Barrett of and Veterans Today calls it a false flag


Islam killers attack event in Texas run by Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer.

Kevin Barett of calls it a “false flag operation”

Barrett says that in Paris and Copenhagen both attacks were followed by attacks on Jews. Barrett then makes a reference to “Kinky Friedman and his Texas Jewboys”. (Who knows what this Der Sturmer is talking about but I for one do not wish to know!)

Then Kevin Barrett works on a picture of the outstanding Jewish person Pamela Geller. Barrett has placed a Star of David on her forehead. Has two crazy eyes put in. Has two dracula type teeth hanging down. Has splashes of blood over her chin.

Barrett then says that Pamela Geller was responsible for 9-11 as part of US Inteligence.

Then Kevin Barrett publishes a book saying “We Are Not Charlie Hebdo”.

Kevin Barrett then claims that in the attack on the Jewish school in the city of Toulouse last year that no Jews were killed, that Mossad was behind it, and that the Jews killed are now living in Jerusalem. That is the three children and the teacher were not killed.

[All on Kevin Barretts own website called truthjihad.blogspot and on]

Then David Icke picks up this material

Then the splodge of matter called Richard Allen (originally from Waterford and I Felix Quigley deny all links with Allen through Irishness) has Kevin Barrett on his nightly show, which is also placed on You Tube, and also made into other forms of transmission, to push it out into millions.

Then the radio station run and owned by prominent British Jewish man Martin Nathan and called Talk Radio Europe picks up the material and pushes it out on FM for Richard Allen. Martin Nathan who is a proud Jew (I am told) thus gives Richard Allen his only FM output, the rest is internet based, a lower order because it is indirect radio. Thus a Jew is providing a major service to Kevin Barrett who produces this Mein Kamph (pure Der Sturmer) type picture of Pamela Geller!

Then another Jewish person called Richard Tindesley attacks me and defends Obama and Iran on his weekly two hour ring in discussion programme. “Me” being Felix Quigley and me being opposed totally to Iran getting the bomb. And in yesterday’s programme Tindesley has ALL of his guests were attacking not the Garland Texas assasins but the great liberationist Pamela Geller…thus see the link right there to Kevin Barrett and the Der Sturmer picture of Barrett on Pamela. You tell a person by the company they keep Tindesley! But that is another story.

So what is the solution?…well there is one immediate solution. That is for Martin Nathan and Richard Tindesley to review what they are doing. They are offering their radio station paid for by British people who advertise there to the kind of Nazi Der Sturmer politics of low-life haters like Kevin Barrett appearing on the low-life Richard Allen radio show AND CUT ALL TIES WITH IT. Can Nathan and Tindesley come out with any honour at this stage? Poor chance! But no chance at all if they continue hosting the likes of Kevin Barrett.


[On first day, IDF field hospital in Nepal treats nearly 100 …

www.timesofisrael.com635 × 357Buscar por imagen

An Israeli doctor treats the wound of an earthquake-affected Nepalese boy, whose arm was amputated in the nearby army hospital and shifted for further …]

It is a terrible tragedy and our hearts fo out to the Nepalese. These are a poor people, a beautiful people. It is a long time since I read my first book about Tenzing Norgay and it was not about the ascent of Everest with Hillary either. It was about a previous much more romantic attempt without oxygen and they nearly made it. Hardly any planning. Just went for it. Have lost that book but it was a duo effort just the two guys taking on the mountain.

Sincé then much wáter has flowed under the bridge. I now am quite thrilled by the sympathy and the effort to help the Nepalese carried out by Israel. The statistics of their effort are amazing. I will deal with these but I note most strongly that this has nothing to do with Israel wanting to be liked. I refute that totally. As an Irishman I refute that totally. It comes instead out of the Jewish sould and charácter. If it can be explained it is religious with a strong element of humanitarianism. Compare that Outlook with the Outlook of Islam and their actions in our world of slitting the throats of the poorest of humans on a Libyan beach, or abducting poor defenseless Nigerian girls and you begin to understand.

Bu the way since I AM a hard headed political person and I understand (seeing it every day) the lies against Jews and the hatred against Israel then I want to let every person in the world know how Israel came to the aid of the Nepalese. That is not a plea. That is not weakness. That is part of my struggle against Antisemtiism.


Where’s the Coverage? Israel Sends More Manpower tHAN ANY OTHER COUNTRY

IDF Field Hospital Nepal.jpg
Israeli soldiers set up a field hospital together with the Nepalese army in Nepal following the deadly earthquake on April 29, 2015. (IDF Spokesperson)

Israel frequently sends aid teams to countries hit by natural disasters such as post-earthquake Haiti and tsunami-stricken Japan. Nepal is no different. The Times of Israelreports:

Israel’s aid team to the earthquake-battered Himalayan nation of Nepal is the largest in manpower of any international aid mission.Over 250 doctors and rescue personnel were part of an IDF delegation that landed Tuesday in the Nepalese capital, Kathmandu, in the wake of Saturday’s magnitude-7.8 earthquake that devastated large swaths of the mountainous country, killing at least 5,000 and leaving some 8,000 wounded and tens of thousands seeking shelter and food.

The Israeli group set up a field hospital with 60 beds that began operations on Wednesday in coordination with the local army hospital. 

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By comparison, according to the BBC, the United Kingdom has sent “a team of more than 60 search and rescue responders and medical experts” and Time magazine reports that the United States is sending “about 70 American personnel”. Remember, Israel has a population of approximately 8 million. The United States is a nation of roughly 350 million. In that context, the magnitude of Israel’s efforts is even more staggering.

But instead of lauding Israel’s extraordinary response to Nepal’s distress, the mainstream media seeks to cast Israel in a bad light, highlighting of all things the fact that a number of Israeli couples employ Nepalese women as surrogate mothers to carry their children. A Time magazine headline states that “Israel Evacuates Surrogate Babies From Nepal but Leaves the Mothers Behind” although, if a reader managed to make it to the sixth paragraph of the article, he would read that, of the women in Nepal still carrying Israeli babies:

The Israeli Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein said he would allow the most heavily pregnant to be flown to Israel to give birth and outgoing Interior Minister Gilad Erdan promised to remove immigration hurdles for the rest.

Newsweek also chose to highlight the surrogacy issue with its article, “Israel Evacuating Babies Born to Surrogate Mothers in Nepal” as did UPI with “Israel evacuates surrogate babies and their Israeli parents but left behind expectant mothers”.

Worse still, instead of clebrating Israel’s herculean humanitarian efforts in a country half way around the world, as someone who cares about those in need would be expected to do, the executive director of Human Rights Watch, Kenneth Roth, actually tweeted, “Easier to address a far-away humanitarian disaster than the nearby one of Israel’s making in Gaza. End the blockade!”

And here’s something else interesting that the media chooses to completely ignore: the commander of Israel’s field hospital in Nepal is a Druze, IDF Colonel Dr. Tarif Bader.

To keep abreast of Israel’s aid efforts in Nepal, follow Libby Weiss, the Head of the IDF Spokesperson’s North American Media Desk, on Twitter. You certainly won’t hear about it from the popular press because… Where’s the coverage?


By Clare Lopez – – Wednesday, April 15, 2015

The Obama administration spin narrative about what a great success nuclear negotiations with Iran are was already coming unglued the day after the April Fool’s Day ‘framework’ was announced. Mr. Obama, Secretary of State John Kerry, and their advisors were trying desperately to portray the endless succession of contentious talks between the P5+1 and Iran as a great success even as the Iranians spoiled all the fun by essentially calling the Americans out as liars, and declaring that what they called “the U.S. version” was “not acceptable to Iran.”

And in fact, the European Union, the French, Iran, and the U.S. have all put out differing accounts of what was actually agreed upon in Lausanne, Switzerland in late March 2015. As Amir Taheri pointed out in a trenchant 4 April 2015 piece at the New York Post, all we really have is a “diplomatic dog’s dinner” of competing and contradictory statements. It’s not any kind of agreement at all.

But if we take a step backward and consider what we already know or ought to know about Iran’s nuclear weapons program, it should become rather quickly obvious that all this diplomatic wrangling about centrifuges, enrichment levels, inspection regimes, and sunset clauses is nothing but window dressing.

That’s because the real Iranian nuclear weapons program very likely is not the one they’re all tussling over. The real Iranian nuclear weapons program long ago was withdrawn behind an impenetrable wall of secrecy guarded by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) and the Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS—Iran’s primary intelligence agency).

While it’s long been known that the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini ordered the IRGC to “get the bomb” in the waning days of the 1980s Iran-Iraq war, details about the subsequent 25-year Iranian commitment to comply with that order are much less well-known.

As the so-called “father of the Pakistani bomb,” Abdul Qadir Khan, wrote in documents obtained by the Washington Post in 2010, Pakistan provided Iran with blueprints and parts for centrifuges and shared its secret list of worldwide suppliers. That’s how the Iranian nuclear weapons program got started. But neither the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) nor the public knew anything about this until the Iranian opposition group, the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), blew the lid off Iran’s program in August 2002. The Iranian regime, a signatory to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), went to panic stations and came up with a plan to limit the damage. The Iran Lobby in America would have a key role to play in that damage control operation.

Much as the Iranians’ mentors in the clandestine WMD business—the Soviet KGB—had done earlier when some of its illicit weapons programs made media headlines, the Iranians conceded a few of the sites that were now exposed: Natanz, Isfahan, Arak, and later Fordow.

Lavizan-Shian, where the regime had worked on nuclear warhead design, was deemed too sensitive, so it was simply razed to the ground in 2003 and its components moved elsewhere.

Natanz, the buried uranium enrichment site where some 9,000 centrifuges currently are operating, became the centerpiece of the regime’s new information operation. It was opened to IAEA inspections, figured prominently in the IAEA’s quarterly reports, and was allowed on the P5+1 nuclear negotiations agenda.

Likewise it was with Isfahan, the conversion plant; Arak, the heavy water reactor that gives Iran a parallel plutonium route to the bomb; and Fordow, a deeply buried centrifuge facility.

Everybody was kept very busy arguing, discussing, and negotiating about the sites Iran got caught with—and now, more recently, a non-existent ‘agreement’ that each of the parties describes in its own, mutually contradictory, terms. Indeed, all the negotiating teams from the IAEA, Britain, China, the European Union, France, Germany, Russia, and the U.S. are being kept so busy that nearly everyone has forgotten all about the fact that Iran’s entire nuclear program was an illicit clandestine one until the NCRI exposed it—or that virtually every site in that program that’s now public was revealed by someone other than Iran…which the P5+1 now inexplicably wants to trust to open all its nuclear facilities to IAEA inspection.

Parchin, a military site where the IAEA believes Iran has conducted nuclear trigger explosives tests, provides a good example of how the regime deals with demands to open places to inspection it would rather remain closed: as Bill Gertz explains at the Free Beacon, they just say “no.” And, as with Lavizan-Shian a dozen years earlier, they conduct a “clean-up” operation to tear down buildings and destroy parts of the complex they’d prefer not show up in any more satellite images.

Naturally, Parchin has not been included in any of the P5+1 talks, nor has the U.S. delegation even suggested that it ought to be. It has been the same with other suspicious sites like Khondab and Lavizan-3, now revealed publicly, but left completely off the agenda. This is not to even consider how many additional clandestine sites Iran has been operating, but are as yet not revealed.

The critical issues before us then are not so much about the number of centrifuges, or which generation of centrifuges, or what level of enrichment will be allowed to Iran going forward at the show case sites: rather, we must ask why and how our negotiators have themselves been spun up to dither endlessly, but only about sites already in the public domain. Iran’s secret parallel nuclear weapons program remains unmentioned and untouched.

In Part 2 of this series, the critical role of the Iran Lobby will be examined.

Read more:






This montage is interesting. Stalin also represented an acceptance and a seeking of agreement with world capitalism (Imperialism). Stalin also even made a 1939 pact with Hitler and with the Nazis which pact Trotsky opposed right down the line. You can see Putin carrying out the same opportunist methods in his Alliance with Iran. Absolute betrayal of the Russian workers and Russian people as a whole.

The alliance between the Stalinist Russian regime of Putin and Iran has been shattered (and shattered well and truly for a considerable time) in Yemen. Russia is a small time state in the world situation. It has an economy less than the size of Britain. It is deceptive. The land mass is great, it has nuclear arms, but it is not a great nation by any means in today’s world. And it has carried on under Putin with this relationship with the Nazi Fascist Iran. (By the way we as Trotskyists defend Russia against the attacks on it by the Ukrainian Fascists led by Obama…but that is a separate matter. Here we are talking about the links between Russia and the Iranian Fascists.

Through these links which Russia holds with Iran there is going on a great betrayal of the Jews. It is this betrayal of the Jews by the whole of the West that is the main factor today. In the very middle of the talks the Iranians were threatening to destroy Israel! They know they are supported by Obama and Cameron!

The fact that Saudi Arabia has called this bluff internationally of the Russian Stalinist IN LEAGUE WITH THE IRANIAN MULLAHS is in my book a plus.I am a Trotskyist and I do not follow any dogma. The alliance of these Stalinists with Iran is one of the most degenerate things that it is possible to do.

The facts are that the Saudis have control of the air space over Yemen. In general this does not mean anything other than that the country is going to descend into Islamic type barbarism and this will happen very quickly. The Jihad is the Jihad. They will fight to the death and be happy to do so to make Allah proud. More chaos from Obama in Yemen is the logical conclusion.

But it has meant that Russia has had its bluff called. That is its bluff of playing the Iranian Mullah Nazi side while RT poses as a left media grouping. It is not indeed it is not!

Note…this goes very deep. Look at the comments on the Irish site and you will see these Left Islamists like the SWP line up with Iran despodism every day. Crisis of leadership in the left! Inside of socialism great crisis!

With the Saudis controlling the skies no Russian planes have landed and so no Russian nationals have exited Yemen in the past days. The Saudis have seen Russia as the spies and allies of Iran. The Saudis are a bit weird. They have this lethal Islamic Supremacist Wahhabism but find themselves threatened by Iran. The split between the Shia and Sunni is near absolute at this point in time.

But who has come racing to the aid of the Iran fascists none other than Obama and the Democratic Party in America. See


According to Hamas’ official television station, “Christians, Communists and Jews must be eliminated down to the very last man.” Hamas has the support of 61 percent of the Palestinians. Even if we assume that support for Hamas will fall, Hamas will take a violent stand against its opponents. Some of the Hamas leaders are talking about “the conquest of Rome and Andalusia.”

The above is on Israpundit and comes from an article on the Jewish website YNET NEWS

QUOTE…Ben-Dror Yemini, writing in YNET, which is left of center and Netanyahu’s arch enemy, makes the case, “Given the upheaval in the Arab world, Obama needs to ask himself why he thinks a Palestinian state is viable right now; meanwhile, Israel’s right needs to understand that its actions are leading to a bi-national state.”

CAN I ANALYSE THE ABOVE…The position of YNET is contradictory. Like all Jews it is loyal in the final analysis to Israel but let me examine the contradiction.

YNet analyses correctly that Hamas is basically Fascist (Note the reference to the killing of Communists in the above – classic Fascist position meaning not just Jew Hatred is involved here)

YNet also verifies for us that the Arabs in Palestine are swinging behind Hamas, that is behind that genocide.

Yet YNET feels it has to criticise the single Jewish State idea. I call the Likud wing Jewish Patriot and definitely not Right or Left etc.

How can that make any sense except to in essence blame the Jews for the Antisemitism of Islam (the Jihad) (The fact that in the election Arabs swung behind the above Antisemitism which I actually am characterising as Fascism)

Ynet which also represents Herzog and Livni thus live out a contradiction. That was what led to the attacks on Netanyahu in the elction.

Netanyahu actually saved Israel from the Fascism of the Arabs and he did this by confronting Obama and really challenging the whole basis that Obama operates his Jihadist Muslim political positions upon.

It was the March 8 action in the American Congress that saved Israel. To take this action Netanyahu had to fight these (is it safe to say traitors) at home.

Why do I use the Word “action”? I do so because it was more than a speech it was a “political action”.

The drive to Fascism led by Obama was stopped by that action. I have explained elsewhere how that political action made the necessary change from “houses” to the EXISTENTIAL IRAN ISSUE.

To move forward Netanyahu still has to be defended. Without that defence you cannot move forward.

Why precisely is this? Because life is causal.

I SAY…You cannot leapfrog. If you do not defend Netanyahu then you are saying nothing happened on March 8 in that fateful Congress in historical America.


We live in a world of lies.

We still do not know who is the co-pilot of the German plane that was driven into the Alps causing unending suffering and loss for relatives.The simplest answer is that he was a man who suffered from forms of depression and moreover we do not know how this was effected by the nature of the world we live in. Which is without dispute the world of Jihad.

But on 4international we remarked from the beginning that we are continually denied knowledge about Islam.

At the most basic level our sensibilities are atacked by the likes of Karen Armstrong whose claims that Islam in Spain was a good experience for humans went unchallenged and still is unchallenged.

Here I exclude people like Robert Spencer (to pick one of these truthful anti-Jihadists) who does show that Armstrong gives totally false information about Islam in Spain.

But that work of Spencer is not the mass market which is controlled by the Media and by a whole machinery of state governemnts.

Whatever emerges in time (and the Media will not ever give us the truth) about this German co-pilot our world has been turned upsdide down by Islam and by the various forms of its Jihad

This Jihad takes many forms and the most serious form is not violence. It is ideology which is like a cáncer eating into democratic rights. I refer to my comment in this regard relating to Karen Armstrong. But it goes very wide. Do not misunderstand. The violence of Islam is critical (In the midst of this Alps tragedy I watched a stoning on you tube of a Young Somalian girl or woman buried up to her neck and stoned. But it is the interaction of this Jihad violence and human perception especially leadership that is of such moment to us today. (for example the betrayal of what goes for  the “left”)

Also on a purely mechanical level…The action of the co-pilot would not have been possible without 9-11

It was the reaction to 9-11 that meant that new locks were placed on cabin doors the most critical of which was the simple mechanical lock from INSIDE

That reaction to 9-11 was thus indeed the critical reaction that led to the Alps tragedy. Whether that ends up having a link to Islam or not that was central in this.


Could there be a Jihadist component to this tragedy? In cases like this things are not always totally clear and there are so many vested interests. But Islamic violence does try to make war on the “Infidel” and we know that Islamic Jihadists pay close attention to air transport violence.

What the report from the NYT shows is the utter terror in that plane with the first pilot locked out and hammering on the door. The passengers must have been going totally out of their minds at that point. The tragedy of the situation – imagine if you are a relative and forced to think back on that! The situation is one of complete terror. We cannot tell if there was a Jihadist component here and we may never tell but it is from Islam that all of our terror is coming (thinking of the terror inflicted on Christioan girls in North Nigeria at the hands of Boko Haram and will the Chibook girls ever be found is a big question?) That kind of terror is happening all around us.

The BBC throw doubt on the New York Times article. The NY Times report is a major challenge to all the dhimmies in which BBC occupies centre place. The BBC will try to rubbish the NY Times claims about one in the cockpit. That is what has happened in their latest article and they wheel out their main dhimmi Robert Westcott. He is a long in the tooth dhimmi! The BBC write: “Remi Jouty, director of the French aviation investigative agency, said he hoped investigators would have the “first rough ideas in a matter of days” but the full analysis could take weeks or even months. However, the New York Times quoted an unnamed investigator as saying that one of the pilots – it is not clear if it is the captain or the first officer – left the cockpit and had been unable to get back in. “The guy outside is knocking lightly on the door, and there is no answer,” the investigator said, describing audio from the recorder. “And then he hits the door stronger, and no answer. There is never an answer. You can hear he is trying to smash the door down.” A source close to the investigation gave a similar account to the AFP news agency. An alarm indicating proximity to the ground can be heard before the moment of impact, the source adds. Lufthansa has not named the pilots but it said the co-pilot joined Germanwings in September 2013, directly after training, and had flown 630 hours. Analysis by Richard Westcott, BBC transport correspondent This latest revelation, if true, begins to paint a dramatic picture of the last moments in the cockpit. But there are still plenty of questions to answer. Why did the plane dive? Locked doors don’t make planes crash. Why couldn’t the pilot open the door? There is an emergency procedure that should allow them to get back in. Who was flying? We now know the co-pilot was relatively inexperienced. Was he trying to cope with an emergency on his own? If there really was banging on the door, it might also suggest there was at least air in the cabin, because someone was clearly able to breathe. There had been talk of a depressurisation knocking everyone out. I am surprised such sensitive information has leaked out – again, it’s still not officially confirmed. The rules governing who listens to black boxes are very tight. Only a handful of people are normally allowed into the room when they play the recording back. WE ANSWER THE DHIMMI BBC ALWAYS FULL OF LIES FIRST OF ALL To Remi Jouty and yes of course investigations are thorough and can take much time, as much as is needed. Butthere is a difference between that and secrecy. My conjecture is that such is the righteous consternation in Europe over this atrocity is that there are going to be people inside this investigation who will do the honourable thing and stuff their secrecy. This is what has clearly happened. The report of the first quietly, then hamering and shouting, the horror of that, with passengers worried out of their minds, the plane diving, it is indescribable. That is true. That NY Times report is true and it is going to knock Europe inside out. Pay attention folks! This is it! This is the beginning of the end of the road (if there develops leadership) to dhimmi creps lioke the BBC. So on to Richard Westcott, BBC transport correspondent Westcott seems particularly dense. But it is a particular form of “denseness”. Look at the studied denseness of this dhimmi! And he knows and since he knows he goes actually to the heart of it as far as the dhimmies are concerned. He accuses “Who leaked?” But I realise also he does not live in the real world. In the face of such horror and such cover-up (rememeber we have had Rochdale, Rotherham, Oxford and so much else) some people will come forward., I believe that is what has happened. I bet the NY Times report will prove sound. Nothing will be the same again in Europe. This has got big moment for us all!


Into the Fray: Whew! But…


I reprint  this article by Martin Sherman and seek for the widest readership possible because in it Sherman calls for a huge effort by Israel to tell its true story to the world. This will not be a passive undertaking but means confronting A/Muslim Antisemitism, B/World Antisemitism which is wider and sometimes rooted in ancient Christian prejudice and finally C/Left Fascist Antisemitism which is a break from socialist thought of the main socialist but not Anarchist (who were always antisemitic)leaders. In regard to Netanyahu I defend Netanyahu unconditionally against Obama and believe that it was his political fight in Congress on March 8 that saved Israel…

As this comment on Facebook makes clear…

” In my writings I have emphasised how close to disaster was Israel and the world, the disaster being if Left Fascists of Livni and Herzog had teamed up with world Antisemitism and Obama. We have a breathing space thanks to the speech Bibi made in Congress on Mar8. Which is why Martin’s suggestion re the Fishman thesis I intend to take up with all my power. I am disgusted at those who like mere hours later are sticking the knife into Netanyahu. He saved the day. I insist the whole action in Congress not just the speech but courage in going there was what swung the election. I despise Jews who are so disloyal. I am not Jewish but I am not disloyal. I thank Bibi for that March 8 conscious political act. I do not expect Bibi to be what he cannot be. But I defend him always from Obama and from world Antisemitism. By the way I am Trotskyist and non Jewish Irish”

With respect to the people’s choice, if this is in fact its choice, I do not accept it … If that is the choice of the people, the people should be changed
Labor leader Yitzhak Ben-Aharon, on hearing the results of 1977 election in which, for the first time ever, the Labor Party was ousted from power by the Likud, after almost three decades of political hegemony

The unthinkable has been avoided narrowly. Had the election gone the way many had expected, the country would have had a prime minster who, in his own words, believes that “the term ‘Jewish state’ is totally misguided.”

Indeed, against all odds

In his post-election speech to Likud activists late Tuesday night, Benjamin Netanyahu summed up the dramatic events of the last few weeks as “a great victory,” achieved “against all odds.”

This was an accurate assessment, even before later results came in, widening the gap between the Likud and Isaac “Buji” Herzog’s Labor Party, masquerading for the purpose of these elections as the “Zionist Union.” These later results, that confounded pollsters and pundits alike, served only to throw the stunning surprise and the far-reaching significance of the ballot into starker relief.

For Tuesday was indeed a day of grave concern with long hours of deep despondency and anxious apprehension. There were persistent reports of a well-oiled, well-funded left-wing apparatus mobilizing voters, running circles around a disorganized and demoralized Right, which had virtually resigned itself to imminent defeat.

There was a distinct sense that the massive, malevolent and multifaceted blitz against the prime minister, aimed at denigrating, degrading and delegitimizing him, was having an effect, succeeding in alienating the electorate from him.

The grim specter of a Left-led government, eager to embrace or rather re-embrace the disastrously failed policy of political appeasement and territorial withdrawal, which cost so many Israelis life and limb, seemed increasing tangible.

Failed ‘coup d’etat’

Several weeks ago, I wrote a column titled “Coup d’etat?” (February 22), in which I cautioned: “Over the last few weeks, Israeli democracy has been under brutal and sustained attack in a desperate effort to subvert the will of the people… What we are witnessing is, in effect, little less than an attempt at a bloodless coup d’état conducted, not by the military, but by the messianic, indeed manic, mainstream media, buttressed by affiliated like-minded civil society elites, in a frenzied effort to impose their minority worldview on the nation.”

Subsequent events brought home the validity of this assessment, reflecting with almost eerie precision my diagnosis: “Enraged by their inability to rally sufficient public support, on substantive policy issues, to unseat the object of their visceral enmity, Benjamin Netanyahu, and nonplussed by the tenacity of his ‘delinquent’ hold on the premiership, despite their undisguised loathing, his political rivals have despaired of removing him from office by normal electoral means… Rather than engaging in a substantive debate on how to conduct the affairs of the nation, they have embarked on a dishonorable the less charitable might say ‘disgraceful’ attempt to oust a prime minister by means of a maelstrom of petty and pernicious ad hominem attacks…

“Devoid of any persuasive policy alternative of real substance, and of an alternative candidate of authentic stature, Netanyahu’s left-leaning detractors have mobilized to exploit their unelected positions of power and privilege to launch a massive media blitz against him and his wife…”

As it turned out all this malevolence was in vain. The coup d’etat not only failed, but although it is still a little early to be sure, it may have backfired in more senses than one.

Charmed political life? Or cursed?

In many ways, Netanyahu has led a charmed political life. It has also been strewn with many largely self-inflicted curses. Very few political leaders are given a second chance to achieve lasting historic greatness. For some reason, known only to the Goddess of Fortune, Netanyahu has been given three such chances in the past. Each time, he failed to seize the moment.

He has now been given a fourth opportunity and the burning question is whether he will rise to the occasion this time. For it is doubtful whether he will be given a fifth.

Tuesday’s late night’s (or more precisely, Wednesday’s early morning) election results gave Netanyahu his only convincing clear-cut victory at the polls. All his previous wins have been excruciatingly close, with barely hairbreadth margins.

Thus, in 1996, despite the horrific carnage the Oslo Accords brought to the streets, buses and cafes across the country, he only just managed to pip Shimon Peres at the post, after public opinion turned sharply against the Likud, in the wake of the Rabin assassination.

In fact most Israelis went to sleep believing Peres had won, only to wake up to the news that Netanyahu had edged ahead to win by the skin of his teeth.

Charmed or cursed? (cont.)

In 2009, despite the poor performance by the Olmert government, the mismanagement of the Second Lebanon War and the corruption scandals that wracked the Kadima party, Netanyahu still technically lost the election to Tzipi Livni, Ehud Olmert’s successor as head of Kadima, which incredibly emerged as the largest party. It was only Livni’s inability to form a governing coalition that gave Netanyahu the premiership.

It was at the start of his second term that Netanyahu, in his Bar-Ilan speech, took the disastrous step of accepting the principle of Palestinian statehood, which, predictably, instead of easing international pressure on Israel only intensified it. For it confronted Israel with the inevitable dilemma of either forgoing its minimal security imperatives to allow a Palestinian state; or resist forgoing them, making a Palestinian state impossible, thus appearing disingenuous and duplicitous to the international community.

All his display of ill-advised “flexibility” did was to lead Israel into a perilous cul-de-sac from which it could only extricate itself at great cost.

As the 2013 election approached, opinion polls indicated that a decisive Netanyahu/right-wing victory was assured. Yet the Right fared so badly that Netanyahu was barely able to cobble together a shaky coalition, so implausible that an early election was inevitable.

The results of that early election are now in. For the first time, Netanyahu has attained a clear-cut victory miraculously for some, infuriatingly for others but certainly against all odds.

Almost snatched defeat from jaws of victory

For three consecutive elections, Netanyahu has run atrocious campaigns.

In the 2009 and 2013 votes, he was on the cusp of snatching defeat from the jaws of what should have been certain victory. His approach, and that of the Likud, was one of lackadaisical apathy, almost disdain for the voter.

For the last few elections, the Likud did not even bother to present the public with an official party platform, informing it what it was being asked to vote for. “Muddling through” and “managing rather than resolving problems” became, by inference, the hallmark of its policy.

This has had enormously detrimental impact on the nation in profound ways. After all, it is impossible to reach a desired much less a desirable destination, if one does not have one. When this is the perceived posture of the ruling party, the strategic ramifications are gravely enervating.

Regrettably, up until its very last stages, the current campaign was afflicted by much the same malaise. It was only in the final days, when things were looking desperately dire, that Netanyahu harnessed his energies to the electoral effort with considerable indeed, according to numerous pundits decisive effect.

The lesson to be learned from this is both salutatory and instructive as to what steps must be taken to contend with prevailing threats and to meet emerging challenges.

The imminent onslaught

In light of the impact of Netanyahu’s last minute involvement apparently had on the outcome of the election, it is far from implausible to surmise that had he entered the fray (no pun intended) earlier, had the Likud focused more on the substantive message it wished to convey, significantly better results, and considerably more parliamentary seats, could have been won.

It is crucial to bear in mind that with the defeat of the left wing, the danger has in no way passed. Quite the contrary, in numerous ways it has been intensified for many, both in Israel and abroad, are enraged by Netanyahu’s continued tenure on the premiership.

There is little doubt that this will precipitate a massive assault on Israel from both domestic and foreign sources. It will not come from declared enemies and overt adversaries of the Jewish state alone, but from purported supporters and alleged allies, who will use Netanyahu’s reelection as a pretext for abandoning it with feigned reluctance.

They will join forces with Israel’s foes to try and impose their own minority view on the elected government. This is not a prediction as to the future. It is a commentary on what is already under way since Thursday.

There are already flimsily veiled threats from the Obama administration that it will no longer block UN resolutions calling for unilateral declaration of Palestinian statehood within the pre-1967 lines. The New York Times predictably dialed up the bile in its Wednesday’s opinion section with a toxic tirade by Israel’s professed friend Tom Friedman and snide threats from an unabashed adversary, Yousef Munayyer.

Detrimental, dysfunctional, disloyal

Having defeated the effort to unseat him, despite opponents throwing everything, perhaps bar the kitchen sink, at him, Netanyahu will become a lightning rod for an assault on Israel’s legitimacy, undermining not only its ability to survive, but its very right to do so.

Dealing with this ominous menace is Netanyahu’s historic challenge one which to date he has been largely remiss in addressing adequately.

In the array of formidable tasks facing him, perhaps the most harrowing, but crucial, will to be to contend with a detrimental, dysfunctional and not infrequently, disloyal, domestic opposition and to do so within the constraints imposed by adherence to the tenets of democratic governance.

For it is difficult to overstate the pernicious impact the actions of many in the disaffected civil society elites in the country have on Israel’s international standing. Although they undoubtedly will protest that they are acting in the country’s best interest, their venom and vilification of what takes place here, often detached from past or present context, is grist for the mill of those who undisguisedly are not.

It is their censure, often unfounded, invariably distorted and unmindful of the consequences, that fans the flames of delegitimization and demonization of the Jewish state.

Historic challenge Political ‘Iron Dome’; intellectual warriors

To meet this historic challenge, considerable resources must be committed.

In this regard, I have been endeavoring for several years to convince the government to assign a mere 1 percent of state budget for a strategic public diplomacy initiative. This would make available $1 billion for the assembling of a political/diplomatic “Iron Dome” to protect the country from the barrages of delegitimization and demonization it is regularly subjected to and which are now likely to intensify (See: “If I were prime minister…,” October 31, 2013; “My billion-dollar budget: If I were PM (cont.),” November, 7, 2013; “Intellectual warriors, not slicker diplomats,” February 14, 2013).

The funds must be allotted for a determined global assault on world opinion particularly but not exclusively on North American and European campuses, which must be won back from the stranglehold of Israel’s detractors. Teams of intellectual warriors not bound by the niceties of diplomatic protocol must be deployed, physically, across the major capitals of the world, and virtually throughout the reaches of cyber-space.

In setting out the mission statement for such an endeavor, Netanyahu could do no better than adopt the sentiments set out by Dr. Joel Fishman, in his aptly titled “The Relegitimization of Israel and the Battle for the Mainstream Consensus” (2012): “If Israel intends to regain its legitimacy, it must advance its historical claims aggressively and forcefully.

The Jewish state cannot permit others to define its identity or distort its past. It is necessary to discredit the fraudulent claims of the other side and expose its lies. Such an effort should include a long-term campaign of relegitimization. Israel must defend its sovereignty and take its rightful place in the community of nations. These are the responsibilities of nationhood.”

This is an increasingly urgent imperative. I urge the prime minister to shoulder it immediately and unflinchingly and to remember, “If you will it, it is no dream.” Even against all odds.

Martin Sherman ( is the founder and executive director of the Israel Institute for Strategic Studies. (